path: root/slides/2019-it-intro-computer-systems/img/know-it-all.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'slides/2019-it-intro-computer-systems/img/know-it-all.tex')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/slides/2019-it-intro-computer-systems/img/know-it-all.tex b/slides/2019-it-intro-computer-systems/img/know-it-all.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2e44fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slides/2019-it-intro-computer-systems/img/know-it-all.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[
+ -latex,
+ entity/.style = {
+ draw=lightGray,
+ thick,
+ ellipse,
+ minimum height=1.75cm,
+ top color = lightGray,
+ bottom color = white,
+ },
+ plain/.style = {
+ draw=none,
+ },
+ arrow/.style = {
+ draw = black,
+ -triangle 90,line width=1mm,
+ postaction={draw, line width=0.1cm, shorten >=0.1cm, -},
+ },
+ cs/.style = {
+ draw=lightGray,
+ thick,
+ cloud,
+ cloud puffs = 15.7,
+ cloud ignores aspect,
+ },
+ ]
+ \node[entity] (vlsi) at (0,0) {Electronics};
+ \node[entity, right=of vlsi] (hwa) {\twolines{Hardware}{architecture}};
+ \node[entity, right=of hwa] (si) {\twolines{Software}{infrastructure}};
+ \node[entity, right=of si] (as) {\twolines{Software}{development}};
+ \path[arrow] (vlsi) -- (hwa);
+ \path[arrow] (hwa) -- (si);
+ \path[arrow] (si) -- (as);
+ \coordinate(l) at ($ (vlsi) !.5! (hwa) $);
+ \coordinate(m) at ($ (hwa) !.5! (si) $);
+ \coordinate(r) at ($ (si) !.5! (as) $);
+ \pause
+ \node[plain, text=darkGreen, above=of l] {Computer parts};
+ \pause
+ \node[plain, text=darkBlue, below=of m] {Hardware-software relation};
+ \pause
+ \node[plain, text=darkRed, above=of r] {Programming and software engineering};
+ \pause
+ \node[cs, above=1cm of si] {%
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ Networking, security, and\\
+ distributed computing
+ \end{tabular}
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}