static-analysis.c: (in function main) static-analysis.c:7:9: Possibly null storage buf passed as non-null param: fgets (buf, ...) A possibly null pointer is passed as a parameter corresponding to a formal parameter with no /*@null@*/ annotation. If NULL may be used for this parameter, add a /*@null@*/ annotation to the function parameter declaration. (Use -nullpass to inhibit warning) static-analysis.c:6:15: Storage buf may become null static-analysis.c:7:3: Return value (type char *) ignored: fgets(buf, 8, stdin) Result returned by function call is not used. If this is intended, can cast result to (void) to eliminate message. (Use -retvalother to inhibit warning) static-analysis.c:9:12: Fresh storage buf not released before return A memory leak has been detected. Storage allocated locally is not released before the last reference to it is lost. (Use -mustfreefresh to inhibit warning) static-analysis.c:6:25: Fresh storage buf created