\newcommand{\twolines}[2]{\begin{tabular}{c}#1\\#2\end{tabular}} \scalebox{0.8}{ \begin{tikzpicture}[ -latex, entity/.style = { draw=lightGray, thick, ellipse, minimum height=1.75cm, top color = lightGray, bottom color = white, }, plain/.style = { draw=none, }, arrow/.style = { draw = black, -triangle 90,line width=1mm, postaction={draw, line width=0.1cm, shorten >=0.1cm, -}, }, cs/.style = { draw=lightGray, thick, cloud, cloud puffs = 15.7, cloud ignores aspect, }, ] \node[entity] (vlsi) at (0,0) {Electronics}; \node[entity, right=of vlsi] (hwa) {\twolines{Hardware}{architecture}}; \node[entity, right=of hwa] (si) {\twolines{Software}{infrastructure}}; \node[entity, right=of si] (as) {\twolines{Software}{development}}; \path[arrow] (vlsi) -- (hwa); \path[arrow] (hwa) -- (si); \path[arrow] (si) -- (as); \coordinate(l) at ($ (vlsi) !.5! (hwa) $); \coordinate(m) at ($ (hwa) !.5! (si) $); \coordinate(r) at ($ (si) !.5! (as) $); \pause \node[plain, text=darkGreen, above=of l] {Computer parts}; \pause \node[plain, text=darkBlue, below=of m] {Hardware-software relation}; \pause \node[plain, text=darkRed, above=of r] {Programming and software engineering}; \pause \node[cs, above=1cm of si] {% \begin{tabular}{c} Networking, security, and\\ distributed computing \end{tabular} }; \end{tikzpicture} }