Authors of onion-csr The copyright on the onion-csr implementation is held by the respective authors (or their organizations/employers). Unless file-specific copyright headers say otherwise, onion-csr is permissively licensed according to the BSD 2-Clause License (see the LICENSE file). This file contains only a summary; for more fine-grained information on who authored a particular file or feature, please refer to the version control history at: For contributions where copyrights are held by an organization, e.g., the author's employer, the copyright holder should be identified by the commit, preferably by using an author email address belonging to the organization, or otherwise explained in the commit message. File-specific copyright headers should be used when necessary to document the origin of a file's contents, e.g., for code copied from other sources, or governed by different license requirements. Authors, in chronological order of initial contribution: Rasmus Dahlberg