# Onion CSR A tool that generates Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs) for v3 `.onion` addresses, see Appendix B(2) in the [CA/Browser Forum Baseline Requirements][]. [CA/Browser Forum Baseline Requirements]: https://cabforum.org/wp-content/uploads/CA-Browser-Forum-BR-1.7.4.pdf ## Status Working prototype, please try it and report issues on IRC/Matrix or [GitLab][]. [GitLab]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/onion-services/sauteed-onions/onion-csr ## Quick start You will need a Go compiler (version 1.18 or later). If it is not packaged as part of your distribution, see [how to download and install Go][]. [how to download and install Go]: https://go.dev/doc/install ### Install $ go install sauteed-onions.org/onion-csr@latest ### Usage $ onion-csr -h Usage: onion-csr -h onion-csr -d HS_DIR -n NONCE Options: -h, --help: Output usage message and exit -d, --hs-dir: Path to hidden service directory -n, --ca-nonce: Nonce provided by a certificate authority in hex Note that the above UI is intentionally backwards-compatible with HARICA's [onion-csr][] tool. The main difference is that HARICA's tool is in Ruby+C. [onion-csr]: https://github.com/HARICA-official/onion-csr ### Example Below is an example for the CA-provided nonce `0123456789` and an onion service that has its `hs_ed25519_secret_key` file stored in `/var/lib/tor/mysite`. $ onion-csr -n 0123456789 -d /var/lib/tor/mysite -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIBCDCBuwIBADAAMCowBQYDK2VwAyEABu7tFhSrDtml3vbLzXehfJVKOfyEae9e mRMsUa+FMi2ggYcwWgYJKoZIhvcNAQkOMU0wSzBJBgNVHREEQjBAgj5hM3hvMmZx dXZtaG50am82NjNmNDI1NWJwc2t1dW9wNHFydTY2eHV6Y213ZmRsNGZnaXd0M3Vp ZC5vbmlvbjARBgRngQwpMQkwBwQFASNFZ4kwFgYEZ4EMKjEOMAwECswNE8rAq09k Tv8wBQYDK2VwA0EAzTog3GjzGuzmlpDViTB35ZQiISpKfHWpTA4/F00FCrEapEu6 Eec4yJx9kNXOBxa1pZxKF6DchnmfWM3YsOqaDg== -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- If you'd like to view the above in ASCII, save it as `csr.pem` and try: $ openssl req -in csr.pem -noout -text Certificate Request: Data: Version: 1 (0x0) Subject: Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: ED25519 ED25519 Public-Key: pub: 06:ee:ed:16:14:ab:0e:d9:a5:de:f6:cb:cd:77:a1: 7c:95:4a:39:fc:84:69:ef:5e:99:13:2c:51:af:85: 32:2d Attributes: :unable to print attribute :unable to print attribute Requested Extensions: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: DNS:a3xo2fquvmhntjo663f4255bpskuuop4qru66xuzcmwfdl4fgiwt3uid.onion Signature Algorithm: ED25519 Signature Value: 99:dd:d4:0d:b5:27:0a:17:ab:73:45:a7:84:ff:cb:87:c1:33: 75:7d:a1:e2:7b:29:a9:d1:08:a8:5d:1c:91:26:01:e5:b7:92: c0:1e:b5:14:32:85:53:b4:04:7c:6c:22:95:21:01:6d:3b:16: 48:23:c4:ca:80:7b:c3:c8:07:0d ## Contact - GitLab: [issue board][] - IRC: room #sauteed-onions at OFTC.net - Matrix: room [#sauteed-onions][] (which is bridged with IRC) [issue board]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/onion-services/sauteed-onions/onion-csr/-/issues [#sauteed-onions]: https://app.element.io/#/room/#sauteed-onions:matrix.org ## Licence BSD 2-Clause License