# onion-grab dataset This document describes our `onion-grab` data collection, including information about the local systems and a timeline for our operations leading up to the results for [Tranco top-1m][] and [SANs in CT logs][] during April, 2023. [Tranco top-1m]: https://tranco-list.eu/ [SANs in CT logs]: https://git.cs.kau.se/rasmoste/ct-sans/-/blob/main/docs/operations.md ## Summary The time to conduct initial tests against [Tranco top-1m][] was ~1 day. 207 unique two-label `.onion` domains were found from 285 Onion-Location sites. The time to conduct the full measurement for [SANs in CT logs][] was ~10 days. 3330 unique two-label `.onion` domains were configured from 26937 unique sites. 13956 of those unique sites have the same Onion-Location configuration as Twitter, which likely means that they copied some of their HTML attributes. The collected data sets are available here: - https://dart.cse.kau.se/onion-grab/2023-04-03-tranco.zip - https://dart.cse.kau.se/onion-grab/2023-04-03-ct-sans.zip For further information about system configurations and operations, read on. ## Local systems We have three mostly identical Ubuntu VMs: $ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS Release: 22.04 Codename: jammy VM-1 is configured with 62.9GiB RAM, one CPU core with 32 CPU threads, and a ~2TiB SSD: $ grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo processor /proc/cpuinfoemTotal: 65948412 keand $ grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo 32 $ grep 'cpu cores' /proc/cpuinfo | uniq cpu cores : 1 $ df -BG /home Filesystem 1G-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv 2077G 220G 1772G 12% / VM-2 and VM-3 are configured with 62.9GiB RAM, one CPU core with 16 CPU threads, and a ~60TiB SSD (each): $ grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo MemTotal: 65822508 kB $ grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo 16 $ grep 'cpu cores' /proc/cpuinfo | uniq cpu cores : 1 $ df -BG /home Filesystem 1G-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv 61G 11G 48G 18% / These VMs share a 1x10Gbps link with other network VMs that we have no control over. We installed `vnstat` to track our bandwidth-usage over time: # apt install vnstat # systemctl enable vnstat.service # systemctl start vnstat.service We also installed Go version 1.20, see [install instructions][]: $ go version go version go1.20.2 linux/amd64 [install instructions]: https://go.dev/doc/install Stopped and disabled `systemd-resolved`, populating `/etc/resolv.conf` with $ cat /etc/resolv.conf nameserver nameserver which gives us a setup that [supports 1500 DNS look-ups][] per VM. [supports 1500 DNS look-ups]: https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/isp We set $ ulimit -Sn 100000 # sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range="1024 65535" before running `onion-grab`. The complete outputs of these commands with `-a` are available in our dataset. The versions of `onion-grab` are listed below. Finally, we [installed Mullvad VPN][] so that our `onion-grab` measurements can run from Melbourne (VM-1), New York (VM-2) and Stockholm (VM-1). Remember to set the same DNS resolvers as above (`mullvad dns set custom`). In the full measurement, we had to replace Stockholm with Frankfurt (see notes). [installed Mullvad VPN]: https://mullvad.net/en/help/install-mullvad-app-linux/ ## Timeline | date | time (UTC) | event | notes | | ---------- | ---------- | --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | | 2023/04/02 | 23:26:27 | test run with tranco top-1m | to estimate reasonable repetition count [1] | | 2023/04/03 | 12:47:43 | test run with tranco top-1m | to estimate reasonable repetition count [1] | | 2023/04/03 | 17:20:00 | shuffle ct-sans dataset | deterministic per-VM seed, 15m/shuffle [2] | | 2023/04/03 | 18:18:47 | test run with tranco top-1m | to estimate reasonable repetition count [1] | | 2023/04/03 | 20:03 | transfer shuffled dataset | from VM-1 to VM-2 (1-3MB/s, painfully slow) | | 2023/04/03 | 20:03 | transfer shuffled dataset | from VM-1 to VM-3 (1-3MB/s, painfully slow) | | 2023/04/03 | 22:36:06 | start onion-grab (au mel) | checkout v0.0.2, set measure.sh params [3] | | 2023/04/03 | 22:35:36 | start onion-grab (us ny) | checkout v0.0.2, set measure.sh params [4] | | 2023/04/03 | 22:35:38 | start onion-grab (se sto) | checkout v0.0.2, set measure.sh params [5] | | 2023/04/04 | 15:30 | se sto relay bw drop | store vnstat -h stats w/ daily cron job [6] | | 2023/04/05 | 06:30 | kill onion-grab (se sto) | all Stockholm relays are very slow [7] | | 2023/04/05 | 07:02:13 | start onion-grab (de fra) | all Swedish relays are very slow [8] | | 2023/04/11 | 04:26:26 | us nyc completed | minor exit bug [9] | | 2023/04/11 | 04:30:28 | au mel completed | minor exit bug [9] | | 2023/04/11 | 20:25:50 | de fra stopped | ran out of memory for unknown reason [10] | | 2023/04/11 | 22:36:25 | de fra started again | use start line we know is processed [10,11] | | 2023/04/11 | 20:25:50 | de fra stopped | ran out of memory for unknown reason [12] | | 2023/04/12 | 08:42:30 | de fra started again | use start line we know is processed [12,13] | | 2023/04/12 | 11:50 | prepare dataset (au mel) | only moving files on VM-1 [14] | | 2023/04/12 | 14:00 | prepare dataset (us nyc) | moving files on VM-2, transfer to VM-1 [15] | | 2023/04/12 | 16:50 | prepare dataset (se sto) | moving files on VM-3, transfer to VM-1 [16] | | 2023/04/12 | 17:00 | save bandwidths at VM-{1,2} | forgot to move them earlier [17] | | 2023/04/13 | 00:35:38 | de fra completed | minor exit bug [18] | | 2023/04/13 | 05:40 | prepare dataset (de fra) | moving files on VM-3, transfer to VM-1 [19] | | 2023/04/13 | 05:50 | experiment is completed | datasets are ready, zipped, and documented | ## Notes ### 1 We downloaded [Tranco top-1m][], permalink [Z2XKG][] (2023-04-03): $ sha256sum tranco_Z2XKG-1m.csv.zip 3e078a84e9aae7dbaf1207aac000038f1e51e20e8ccc35563da8b175d38a39dd tranco_Z2XKG-1m.csv.zip $ unzip tranco_Z2XKG-1m.csv.zip $ cut -d',' -f2 top-1m.csv > top-1m.lst [Z2XKG]: https://tranco-list.eu/list/Z2XKG/1000000 This gives us a list of 1M domains to perform test-runs on. The idea: 1. Make visits at a wanted rate (1450/s, below the 1500 DNS lookup limit) 2. Make visits at several slower rates (100/s, ..., 1400/s) 3. Repeat this from three locations (Stockholm, New York, Melbourne) 4. Hypothesis: observe that the same number of Onion-Location setups are discovered when running at the most rapid rate from three locations when compared to a lower rate at the same three locations; and that the error rates are roughly the same regardless of if we use a lower or higher rate. We used `onion-grab`'s `scripts/test.sh` to perform the above experiment from VM-1. The link for downloading the data is listed above in the summary. You should see 3 subdirectories with results from 28 different measurements. Let's look at the results in more detail: the error rates that are printed in the `stderr.txt` files, as well as the parsed output using `scripts/digest.py`. #### Scan: Stockholm with limit 1450/s $ digest.py -i 20230402-232627/se17-wireguard-l1450.txt 2>&1 | tail -n6 | head -n4 digest.py:25 INFO: found 245 HTTP headers with Onion-Location digest.py:26 INFO: found 42 HTML meta attributes with Onion-Location digest.py:27 INFO: found 283 unqiue domain names that set Onion-Location digest.py:28 INFO: found 205 unique two-label onion addresses in the process #### Scan: Stockholm, New York, Melbourne with limit 1450s (combined) $ digest.py -i 20230402-232627/*l1450.txt 2>&1 | tail -n4 | head -n2 digest.py:27 INFO: found 285 unqiue domain names that set Onion-Location digest.py:28 INFO: found 207 unique two-label onion addresses in the process Note that we found more Onion-Location setups here with the combined scan. #### Scan: Stockholm, New York, Melbourne with limits 100, 500, 1450 (combined) $ cat 20230402-232627/stderr.txt | tail -n5 | head -n2 digest.py:27 INFO: found 285 unqiue domain names that set Onion-Location digest.py:28 INFO: found 207 unique two-label onion addresses in the process Note that we did not find more Onion-Location setups now with 9x measurements. This observation holds true if `scripts/digest.py` is run with all 28 outputs: $ ./scripts/digest.py -i\ 20230402-232627/*-*-*\ 20230403-124743/*-*-*\ 20230403-181847/*-*-* 2>&1 | tail -n4 | head -n2 digest.py:27 INFO: found 285 unqiue domain names that set Onion-Location digest.py:28 INFO: found 207 unique two-label onion addresses in the process #### Error rates Below are some pretty-printed output from the error rates shown in the respective `stderr.txt` files, ordered by the relay and limit that we set. The maximum number of connects is 1M; all columns after that provide info about failed connection attempts. E.g., the first row has 82814 DNS lookup errors. | relay hostname | limit/s | rate/s | onions | connected | dns (NotFound/Timeout/Other) | tcp (Timeout/Syscall) | tls (Cert/Other) | 3xx | eof | ctx | ??? | | -------------- | ------- | ------ | ------ | --------- | ---------------------------- | --------------------- | ------------------- | ---- | ---- | ----- | ---- | | us18-wireguard | 100 | 100.0 | 287 | 711816 | 82814 (72767 843 9204) | 51543 (21279 30264) | 87147 (77235 9912) | 2042 | 5449 | 58932 | 257 | | us18-wireguard | 500 | 500.3 | 285 | 711373 | 83333 (72811 1304 9218) | 54058 (24064 29994) | 86728 (76803 9925) | 2160 | 5414 | 56689 | 245 | | us18-wireguard | 1000 | 1001.0 | 286 | 711081 | 82882 (72804 852 9226) | 54763 (24599 30164) | 86840 (77011 9829) | 1760 | 5086 | 57333 | 255 | | us18-wireguard | 1200 | 1201.5 | 286 | 711741 | 82841 (72800 855 9186) | 53041 (22654 30387) | 86885 (77111 9774) | 1803 | 4955 | 58485 | 249 | | us18-wireguard | 1400 | 1402.1 | 287 | 710481 | 82894 (72805 1468 8621) | 59711 (29489 30222) | 86597 (76897 9700) | 1638 | 4975 | 53450 | 254 | | us18-wireguard | 1450 | 1452.2 | 287 | 708649 | 82866 (72820 1272 8774) | 60294 (30460 29834) | 86506 (76602 9904) | 1887 | 5233 | 54298 | 267 | | relay hostname | limit/s | rate/s | onions | connected | dns (NotFound/Timeout/Other) | tcp (Timeout/Syscall) | tls (Cert/Other) | 3xx | eof | ctx | ??? | | -------------- | ------- | ------ | ------ | --------- | ---------------------------- | --------------------- | ------------------- | ---- | ---- | ----- | ---- | | au-syd-wg-002 | 100 | 100.0 | 285 | 723854 | 83319 (72800 1317 9202) | 48693 (14767 33926) | 91658 (81324 10334) | 1810 | 5235 | 45149 | 282 | | au-syd-wg-002 | 500 | 500.3 | 285 | 723410 | 83119 (72791 1119 9209) | 51229 (16767 34462) | 91585 (81208 10377) | 1830 | 4680 | 43876 | 271 | | au-syd-wg-002 | 1000 | 1001.0 | 285 | 724144 | 83052 (72771 1075 9206) | 50697 (16591 34106) | 91678 (81442 10236) | 1491 | 4922 | 43733 | 283 | | au-syd-wg-002 | 1200 | 1192.3 | 286 | 723169 | 83090 (72820 1122 9148) | 51408 (16685 34723) | 91571 (81354 10217) | 1413 | 5024 | 44052 | 273 | | au-syd-wg-002 | 1400 | 1391.8 | 286 | 721119 | 83305 (72796 1906 8603) | 55236 (21640 33596) | 91339 (81197 10142) | 842 | 5752 | 42124 | 283 | | au-syd-wg-002 | 1450 | 1431.3 | 285 | 720439 | 83182 (72793 1498 8891) | 56817 (23193 33624) | 91376 (81049 10327) | 1100 | 5486 | 41334 | 266 | | relay hostname | limit/s | rate/s | onions | connected | dns (NotFound/Timeout/Other) | tcp (Timeout/Syscall) | tls (Cert/Other) | 3xx | eof | ctx | ??? | | -------------- | ------- | ------ | ------ | --------- | ---------------------------- | --------------------- | ------------------- | ---- | ---- | ----- | ---- | | se17-wireguard | 100 | 100.0 | 286 | 724643 | 83146 (72400 954 9792) | 48497 (14711 33786) | 92230 (81881 10349) | 2081 | 5815 | 43325 | 263 | | se17-wireguard | 500 | 500.3 | 288 | 723176 | 84208 (72453 1367 10388) | 48685 (15239 33446) | 91664 (81341 10323) | 2073 | 5513 | 44416 | 265 | | se17-wireguard | 1000 | 1001.0 | 289 | 723834 | 83156 (72427 962 9767) | 49559 (16347 33212) | 91847 (81572 10275) | 1852 | 5638 | 43856 | 258 | | se17-wireguard | 1200 | 1201.5 | 289 | 724093 | 83078 (72450 905 9723) | 48780 (15597 33183) | 91868 (81656 10212) | 1823 | 5708 | 44389 | 261 | | se17-wireguard | 1200 | 1201.5 | 289 | 723788 | 83081 (72397 950 9734) | 49070 (15848 33222) | 91745 (81595 10150) | 1790 | 5670 | 44589 | 267 | | se17-wireguard | 1201 | 1202.5 | 288 | 723642 | 83063 (72413 909 9741) | 48923 (15769 33154) | 92120 (81575 10545) | 1823 | 5322 | 44839 | 268 | | se17-wireguard | 1202 | 1202.1 | 290 | 723846 | 83055 (72452 912 9691) | 48999 (15916 33083) | 91860 (81519 10341) | 1813 | 5497 | 44669 | 261 | | se17-wireguard | 1203 | 1204.5 | 289 | 723772 | 83051 (72479 882 9690) | 48926 (15775 33151) | 91945 (81630 10315) | 1825 | 5502 | 44716 | 263 | | se17-wireguard | 1204 | 1205.5 | 290 | 723816 | 83109 (72462 902 9745) | 49256 (16161 33095) | 92015 (81551 10464) | 1762 | 5364 | 44420 | 258 | | se17-wireguard | 1400 | 1402.1 | 288 | 721902 | 83808 (72426 1341 10041) | 51820 (18732 33088) | 91409 (81308 10101) | 1727 | 5725 | 43345 | 264 | | se17-wireguard | 1446 | 1448.2 | 290 | 720637 | 83037 (72463 924 9650) | 49421 (16422 32999) | 91416 (81132 10284) | 1801 | 5517 | 47903 | 268 | | se17-wireguard | 1447 | 1449.2 | 286 | 720927 | 83038 (72480 930 9628) | 49361 (16463 32898) | 91630 (81243 10387) | 1807 | 5399 | 47580 | 258 | | se17-wireguard | 1448 | 1450.2 | 288 | 720841 | 83016 (72492 933 9591) | 49251 (16209 33042) | 91636 (81236 10400) | 1803 | 5410 | 47783 | 260 | | se17-wireguard | 1449 | 1449.4 | 288 | 720456 | 83065 (72459 922 9684) | 49513 (16554 32959) | 91479 (81171 10308) | 1786 | 5459 | 47981 | 261 | | se17-wireguard | 1450 | 1450.3 | 288 | 720684 | 83036 (72476 915 9645) | 49348 (16266 33082) | 91608 (81238 10370) | 1734 | 5404 | 47932 | 254 | | se17-wireguard | 1450 | 1450.0 | 287 | 719193 | 83193 (72428 1319 9446) | 53567 (20562 33005) | 91390 (81135 10255) | 1956 | 5775 | 44641 | 285 | From the looks of it, the number of successful connections decrease somewhat as we are approaching the 1450/s limit. Comparing the most successful and least successful runs with regards to the number of connects we get per location: - Melbourne: 3705 - New York: 3167 - Stockholm: 5450 These differences are mostly due to more TCP timeouts and context deadlines. #### What does this mean Running from three different locations at limit 1450/s finds the same number of Onion-Location setups as all 28 measurements combined. That's what we wanted. Connect errors (mainly TCP timeouts and context deadline errors) increase slightly as we use the higher limits. This is not what we wanted. However, the increase in connect errors per 1M sites is only 0.3-0.5%. These errors are transient, and should mostly be accounted for by having 3x tries per domain. (Each scan is running with a shuffled list, similar to our full measurement.) **Conclusion:** scanning from three different locations at limit 1450/s strikes a good balance between found Onion-Locations, errors, and timeliness of results. ### 2 The [ct-sans dataset][] that we will `onion-grab` in the full measurement was collected and assembled at 2023-04-03. It contains 0.91B unique SANs. [ct-sans dataset]: https://git.cs.kau.se/rasmoste/ct-sans/-/blob/main/docs/operations.md To avoid biases like encountering the same errors at all VMs due to the order in which the sites were visited, the dataset is shuffled separately before use. We did all shuffling on VM-1 because it has the most disk available. Prepare shuffled dataset for VM-1: $ seed="2023-04-03-vm-1" $ time shuf\ --random-source <(openssl enc -aes-256-ctr -pass pass:"$seed" -nosalt /dev/null)\ -o vm-1.lst 2023-04-03-ct-sans/sans.lst real 13m40.637s user 10m30.368s sys 2m28.062s $ time sha256sum vm-1.lst 4bf4b2701e01dd7886757987a2a9f2750aff677c2bd9f3e28d6ca8a1b7c25a3b vm-1.lst real 2m51.630s user 2m33.246s sys 0m11.460s Prepare shuffled dataset for VM-2: $ seed="2023-04-03-vm-2" $ time shuf\ --random-source <(openssl enc -aes-256-ctr -pass pass:"$seed" -nosalt /dev/null)\ -o vm-2.lst 2023-04-03-ct-sans/sans.lst real 14m35.500s user 11m31.577s sys 2m31.447s $ time sha256sum vm-2.lst 46f6c4af1e215f2d2cfb3ee302c8e3d02f43d4d918eb42f300a818e68f73f7ff vm-2.lst real 3m7.084s user 2m36.416s sys 0m19.012s Prepare shuffled dataset for VM-3: $ seed="2023-04-03-vm-3" $ time shuf\ --random-source <(openssl enc -aes-256-ctr -pass pass:"$seed" -nosalt /dev/null)\ -o vm-3.lst 2023-04-03-ct-sans/sans.lst real 14m37.878s user 11m37.963s sys 2m20.373s $ time sha256sum vm-3.lst c2df53320c1e7ab21355c9ebc1e53b1a8f564c9e7a2bd3e24f2cc8fca8b9eaf6 vm-3.lst real 3m6.324s user 2m36.804s sys 0m17.056s Double-check that we have the expected number of lines: time wc -l vm-?.lst 2023-04-03-ct-sans/sans.lst 907332515 vm-1.lst 907332515 vm-2.lst 907332515 vm-3.lst 907332515 2023-04-03-ct-sans/sans.lst 3629330060 total real 7m54.915s user 0m59.213s sys 1m25.353s **Note:** `shuf` is memory-hungry and needs ~2x the size of the input file. So, anything less than ~60GiB memory will be insufficient for a 25GiB dataset. ### 3 $ ulimit -Sn 100000 $ ulimit -a >ulimit.txt # sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range="1024 65535" # sysctl -a >sysctl.txt $ go install git.cs.kau.se/rasmoste/onion-grab@v0.0.2 $ git log | head -n1 commit abce43c4ad9000e0c5c83d31c2185986ab8a54c9 $ cd scripts $ sha256sum vm-1.lst 4bf4b2701e01dd7886757987a2a9f2750aff677c2bd9f3e28d6ca8a1b7c25a3b vm-1.lst $ git diff diff --git a/scripts/measure.sh b/scripts/measure.sh index a520c6d..269b5ad 100755 --- a/scripts/measure.sh +++ b/scripts/measure.sh @@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ # lists and, output of uname -a and sysctl -a is ..., etc. # -relay_country=se -relay_city=sto +relay_country=au +relay_city=mel limit=1450 num_workers=10000 -input_file=example.lst +input_file=vm-1.lst timeout_s=30 response_max_mib=64 metrics_interval=1h So, we selected Melbourne relays. $ ./measure.sh 2>measure.stderr ### 4 $ ulimit -Sn 100000 $ ulimit -a >ulimit.txt # sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range="1024 65535" # sysctl -a >sysctl.txt $ go install git.cs.kau.se/rasmoste/onion-grab@v0.0.2 $ git log | head -n1 commit abce43c4ad9000e0c5c83d31c2185986ab8a54c9 $ cd scripts $ sha256sum vm-2.lst 46f6c4af1e215f2d2cfb3ee302c8e3d02f43d4d918eb42f300a818e68f73f7ff vm-2.lst $ git diff diff --git a/scripts/measure.sh b/scripts/measure.sh index a520c6d..31b2f9e 100755 --- a/scripts/measure.sh +++ b/scripts/measure.sh @@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ # lists and, output of uname -a and sysctl -a is ..., etc. # -relay_country=se -relay_city=sto +relay_country=us +relay_city=nyc limit=1450 num_workers=10000 -input_file=example.lst +input_file=vm-2.lst timeout_s=30 response_max_mib=64 metrics_interval=1h So, we selected New York relays. $ ./measure.sh 2>measure.stderr ### 5 $ ulimit -Sn 100000 $ ulimit -a >ulimit.txt # sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range="1024 65535" # sysctl -a >sysctl.txt $ go install git.cs.kau.se/rasmoste/onion-grab@v0.0.2 $ git log | head -n1 commit abce43c4ad9000e0c5c83d31c2185986ab8a54c9 $ cd scripts $ sha256sum vm-3.lst c2df53320c1e7ab21355c9ebc1e53b1a8f564c9e7a2bd3e24f2cc8fca8b9eaf6 vm-3.lst $ git diff diff --git a/scripts/measure.sh b/scripts/measure.sh index a520c6d..4cc0913 100755 --- a/scripts/measure.sh +++ b/scripts/measure.sh @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ relay_country=se relay_city=sto limit=1450 num_workers=10000 -input_file=example.lst +input_file=vm-3.lst timeout_s=30 response_max_mib=64 metrics_interval=1h So, we selected Stockholm relays (default). $ ./measure.sh 2>measure.stderr ### 6 Notice that Stockholm relays are "slow". Bandwidth appear to have dropped to 1/10 of the initial part of the measurement. Unclear if there are more errors yet or not, and if this will sort itself out. Adding a cron job that prints hourly bandwidth stats every day at 23:59 to store more fine-grained data: $ mkdir /home/rasmoste/vnstat $ crontab -e And add at the end of the file: 59 23 * * * vnstat -h >"/home/rasmoste/vnstat/$(date)" (Added this on all three VMs.) ### 7 (In VM-3) Bandwidth stats: $ cat Tue\ Apr\ \ 4\ 11\:59\:01\ PM\ UTC\ 2023 ens160 / hourly hour rx | tx | total | avg. rate ------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- 2023-04-04 00:00 82.61 GiB | 12.78 GiB | 95.39 GiB | 227.61 Mbit/s 01:00 80.93 GiB | 12.70 GiB | 93.63 GiB | 223.41 Mbit/s 02:00 80.90 GiB | 12.68 GiB | 93.58 GiB | 223.30 Mbit/s 03:00 81.13 GiB | 12.63 GiB | 93.77 GiB | 223.74 Mbit/s 04:00 88.59 GiB | 12.97 GiB | 101.57 GiB | 242.35 Mbit/s 05:00 85.10 GiB | 12.93 GiB | 98.04 GiB | 233.92 Mbit/s 06:00 82.97 GiB | 12.84 GiB | 95.81 GiB | 228.61 Mbit/s 07:00 79.05 GiB | 12.62 GiB | 91.67 GiB | 218.72 Mbit/s 08:00 87.83 GiB | 12.81 GiB | 100.64 GiB | 240.13 Mbit/s 09:00 81.22 GiB | 12.62 GiB | 93.84 GiB | 223.91 Mbit/s 10:00 79.26 GiB | 12.57 GiB | 91.83 GiB | 219.12 Mbit/s 11:00 81.70 GiB | 12.67 GiB | 94.37 GiB | 225.17 Mbit/s 12:00 97.83 GiB | 13.21 GiB | 111.04 GiB | 264.94 Mbit/s 13:00 82.47 GiB | 12.59 GiB | 95.06 GiB | 226.83 Mbit/s 14:00 78.42 GiB | 11.46 GiB | 89.88 GiB | 214.45 Mbit/s 15:00 27.42 GiB | 5.95 GiB | 33.37 GiB | 79.62 Mbit/s 16:00 23.30 GiB | 5.37 GiB | 28.67 GiB | 68.42 Mbit/s 17:00 28.12 GiB | 6.03 GiB | 34.15 GiB | 81.48 Mbit/s 18:00 48.01 GiB | 8.76 GiB | 56.77 GiB | 135.46 Mbit/s 19:00 40.23 GiB | 7.73 GiB | 47.97 GiB | 114.46 Mbit/s 20:00 55.55 GiB | 9.63 GiB | 65.18 GiB | 155.52 Mbit/s 21:00 35.10 GiB | 7.06 GiB | 42.16 GiB | 100.60 Mbit/s 22:00 20.94 GiB | 5.00 GiB | 25.94 GiB | 61.91 Mbit/s 23:00 21.19 GiB | 4.95 GiB | 26.14 GiB | 68.03 Mbit/s ------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- We were hoping that this was a transient error, but all relays in Stockholm appear to underperform. The rate has dropped as a result, and the number of successes as well. See separate data and log files in our dataset (`se-sto/`). It will be faster, and give more accurate results, to start from a new location. Kill: `pidof onion-grab`, `kill `. Move `measure.stderr` to the data dir to not overwrite it when we restart. ### 8 (In VM-3.) We experienced the same "slowness" with both Gothenburg and Malmo relays. When moving our measurement to Frankfurt, good bandwidth is observed again. diff --git a/scripts/measure.sh b/scripts/measure.sh index a520c6d..d46f9c1 100755 --- a/scripts/measure.sh +++ b/scripts/measure.sh @@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ # lists and, output of uname -a and sysctl -a is ..., etc. # -relay_country=se -relay_city=sto +relay_country=de +relay_city=fra limit=1450 num_workers=10000 -input_file=example.lst +input_file=vm-3.lst timeout_s=30 response_max_mib=64 metrics_interval=1h So, we selected Frankfurt relays. Without any other restarts in the same tmux pane as before: $ ./measure.sh 2>measure.stderr ### 9 The summary prints (which means that the Go receiver routine waited for an answer for at least one timeout and shutdown) are shown in `onion-grab`'s stderr output, however `onion-grab` hangs after that so the measure.sh script doesn't exit. - VM-1 (au mel) processed up until: 907330676 - VM-2 (us nyc) processed up until: 907330662 To be compared with the number of entries in the ct-sans dataset: 907332515. $ python3 -c "print(f'{907332515 - 907330676}')" 1839 $ python3 -c "print(f'{907332515 - 907330662}')" 1853 So, it appears that we have ~1800 workers that were unable to provide their final answers (most likely timeouts) before the receiver routine shutdown. This explains why `onion-grab` hangs, i.e., there are still workers that are waiting to send their answers to the receiver who is not reading answers anymore. In addition to the outstanding answers most likely being timeouts, it is not the same ~1800 answers on all machines since the dataset was shuffled for all VMs. **Action:** ctrl+C the measurement script that is waiting for `onion-grab` to complete, we already have the `onion-grab` output that we want stored to disk. ### 10 Latest `onion-grab` stderr print was 2023/04/11 20:25:50, then died due to too little memory. Latest progress print was: 2023/04/11 20:02:33 INFO: metrics@receiver: Processed: 819368251 So, we can safely continue without missing any sites with Onion-Location configured by starting a new measurement from line ~819368251. $ python3 -c "print(f'{907332515 - 819368251}')" 87964264 $ tail -n87964264 vm-3.lst > vm-3-remaining.lst $ wc -l vm-3-remaining.lst 87964264 vm-3-remaining.lst ### 11 Restart `onion-grab` from VM-3 with the final domain names to visit. $ git diff diff --git a/scripts/measure.sh b/scripts/measure.sh index a520c6d..6d77c66 100755 --- a/scripts/measure.sh +++ b/scripts/measure.sh @@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ # lists and, output of uname -a and sysctl -a is ..., etc. # -relay_country=se -relay_city=sto +relay_country=de +relay_city=fra limit=1450 num_workers=10000 -input_file=example.lst +input_file=vm-3-remaining.lst timeout_s=30 response_max_mib=64 metrics_interval=1h $ ./measure.sh 2>measure-remaining.stderr (`onion-grab` results are written to a separate directory that is timestamped, so there is no risk that the above command will overwrite any collected data.) ### 12 Latest `onion-grab` stderr print was 2023/04/11 23:43:19, then died due to too little memory. Latest progress print was: 2023/04/11 23:36:31 INFO: metrics@receiver: Processed: 5217381 So, we can safely continue without missing any sites with Onion-Location configured by starting a new measurement from line ~5217381. $ python3 -c "print(f'{87964264 - 5217381}')" 82746883 $ tail -n82746883 vm-3-remaining.lst > vm-3-remaining-2.lst $ wc -l vm-3-remaining-2.lst 82746883 vm-3-remaining-2.lst ### 13 Restart `onion-grab` from VM-3 with the final domain names to visit. However reducing the number of workers to see if that can keep us from blowing up. If this doesn't work we will have to bump the amount of memory in our VM. (The large amount of workers is anyway not necessary with low latency.) $ git diff diff --git a/scripts/measure.sh b/scripts/measure.sh index a520c6d..3b2e54b 100755 --- a/scripts/measure.sh +++ b/scripts/measure.sh @@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ # lists and, output of uname -a and sysctl -a is ..., etc. # -relay_country=se -relay_city=sto +relay_country=de +relay_city=fra limit=1450 -num_workers=10000 -input_file=example.lst +num_workers=4000 +input_file=vm-3-remaining-2.lst timeout_s=30 response_max_mib=64 metrics_interval=1h $ ./measure.sh 2>measure-remaining-2.stderr ### 14 Renaming and moving output in VM-1: $ mv data/20230403-223517 au-mel $ rmdir data $ mv au-mel/au-mel-l1450.stderr au-mel/onion-grab.stderr $ mv au-mel/au-mel-l1450.stdout au-mel/onion-grab.stdout $ mv sysctl.txt au-mel/ $ mv ulimit.txt au-mel/ $ mv measure.stderr au-mel/ $ ls -l au-mel/ total 6992 -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 800 Apr 3 22:36 measure.stderr -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 3749490 Apr 11 08:21 onion-grab.stderr -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 3346026 Apr 11 04:29 onion-grab.stdout -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 42500 Apr 3 22:11 sysctl.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 823 Apr 3 22:11 ulimit.txt $ mv au-mel ~/exp/onion-grab/data/2023-04-03-ct-sans/ ### 15 Renaming and moving output in VM-2: $ mv data/20230403-223519 us-nyc $ rmdir data $ mv us-nyc/us-nyc-l1450.stdout us-nyc/onion-grab.stdout $ mv us-nyc/us-nyc-l1450.stderr us-nyc/onion-grab.stderr $ mv sysctl.txt us-nyc/ $ mv ulimit.txt us-nyc/ $ mv measure.stderr us-nyc/ $ ls -l us-nyc total 6784 -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 800 Apr 3 22:35 measure.stderr -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 3553624 Apr 11 08:21 onion-grab.stderr -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 3326545 Apr 11 04:25 onion-grab.stdout -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 42531 Apr 3 22:12 sysctl.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 823 Apr 3 22:11 ulimit.txt Zip and checksum before moving to VM-1: $ zip -r us-nyc.zip us-nyc/ $ sha256sum us-nyc.zip 8759b8e7192390cc8f125a795c55b55ad9ecadb27344ce88004998ca89b7c4be us-nyc.zip Transfer to VM-1, check that checksum is OK then unzip. ### 16 Renaming an moving in VM-3: $ mv data/20230403-223521 se-sto $ mv se-sto/se-sto-l1450.stderr se-sto/onion-grab.stderr $ mv se-sto/se-sto-l1450.stdout se-sto/onion-grab.stdout $ cp ulimit.txt se-sto/ $ cp sysctl.txt se-sto/ $ mkdir se-sto/bw $ cp ~/vnstat/"Tue Apr 4 11:59:01 PM UTC 2023" se-sto/bw $ cp ~/vnstat/"Wed Apr 5 11:59:01 PM UTC 2023" se-sto/bw $ ls -l se-sto total 912 drwxrwxr-x 2 rasmoste rasmoste 4096 Apr 12 16:55 bw -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 801 Apr 3 22:35 measure.stderr -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 441711 Apr 5 06:36 onion-grab.stderr -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 424925 Apr 5 06:27 onion-grab.stdout -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 42529 Apr 12 16:54 sysctl.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 823 Apr 12 16:54 ulimit.txt $ zip -r se-sto.zip se-sto/ $ sha256sum se-sto.zip 6fcd5640b1022828d19f3585b2a9c9488ce5c681a81a61c22b1bd4cbbe326b49 se-sto.zip Move to VM-1, check checksum and unzip. ### 17 VM-1: $ mv ~/vnstat au-mel/bw Then stop the cronjob that creates bw output (`crontab -e`). VM-2: $ mv ~/vnstat bw $ zip -r bw.zip bw/ $ sha256sum bw.zip c4753326fcdb4dd136af81c1359cfe37fe6756726c497f39d3c33f799fc975f3 bw.zip Transfer to VM-1, check checksum, unzip and put in us-nyc directory. Then stop the cronjob that creates bw output in VM-2 as well. ### 18 `onion-grab` hangs on shutdown similar to VM-1 and VM-2 [9]. The final summary print shows processed until 82746708, which should be compared to the size of 82746883 (vm-3-remaining-2.lst). I.e., 175 missing workers/answers. Same action as in [9], ctrl+C measurement script. ### 19 Renaming and moving in VM-3, first run: $ mv data/20230405-070154 de-fra $ mv de-fra/de-fra-l1450.stderr de-fra/onion-grab.stderr $ mv de-fra/de-fra-l1450.stdout de-fra/onion-grab.stdout $ mv measure.stderr de-fra/measure.stderr $ mv ulimit.txt de-fra/ $ mv sysctl.txt de-fra/ Second run: $ mv data/20230411-223623/de-fra-l1450.stderr de-fra/onion-grab-2.stderr $ mv data/20230411-223623/de-fra-l1450.stdout de-fra/onion-grab-2.stdout $ rmdir data/20230411-223623 $ mv measure-remaining.stderr de-fra/measure-2.stderr Third run: $ mv data/20230412-084228/de-fra-l1450.stderr de-fra/onion-grab-3.stderr $ mv data/20230412-084228/de-fra-l1450.stdout de-fra/onion-grab-3.stdout $ rmdir data/20230412-084228 $ mv measure-remaining-2.stderr de-fra/measure-3.stderr Grab bandwidths, exclude output from 4th since this measurement started 5th: $ rm ~/vnstat/"Tue Apr 4 11:59:01 PM UTC 2023" $ vnstat -h >"/home/rasmoste/vnstat/$(date)" $ mv ~/vnstat de-fra/bw Overview: $ ls -l de-fra total 6768 drwxrwxr-x 2 rasmoste rasmoste 4096 Apr 13 05:39 bw -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 1019 Apr 11 23:43 measure-2.stderr -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 810 Apr 12 08:42 measure-3.stderr -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 1009 Apr 11 20:25 measure.stderr -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 24004 Apr 11 23:43 onion-grab-2.stderr -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 23002 Apr 11 23:42 onion-grab-2.stdout -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 318627 Apr 13 05:38 onion-grab-3.stderr -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 312774 Apr 13 00:34 onion-grab-3.stdout -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 3117995 Apr 11 20:25 onion-grab.stderr -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 3034130 Apr 11 20:25 onion-grab.stdout -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 42529 Apr 3 22:12 sysctl.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 rasmoste rasmoste 823 Apr 3 22:11 ulimit.txt Then stop the cronjob that creates bw outputs (`crontab -e`). Zip, checksum, and transfer to VM-1: $ zip -r de-fra.zip de-fra/ $ sha256sum de-fra.zip 2ea1f053decea3915b29bc60c2f954da55ea48f6d8ab9f47112caddf3a2e2f7f de-fra.zip