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+ author={%
+ \textbf{Rasmus Dahlberg},
+ Tobias Pulls,
+ Tom Ritter, and
+ Paul Syverson
+ },
+ title={%
+ Privacy-Preserving \& Incrementally-Deployable Support for Certificate Transparency in Tor
+ },
+ reference={%
+ PETS (2021)
+ },
+ summary={%
+ One deployment challenge of Certificate Transparency is to ensure that
+ monitors and end-users are engaged in gossip-audit protocols. This is
+ particularly difficult for end-users because such engagement can harm
+ privacy. For example, verifying that a certificate is included by
+ fetching an inclusion proof from a log reveals which website was visited.
+ We propose a gradual roll-out of Certificate Transparency in Tor Browser
+ that preserves privacy \emph{due to} and \emph{how we use} the anonymity
+ network Tor. The complete design holds log operators accountable for
+ certificates they promise to append by having Tor relays fetch inclusion
+ proofs against the same view agreed upon by directory authorities in Tor's
+ consensus. Found issues (if any) are reported to trusted auditors. The
+ incremental design side-steps much of the practical deployment effort by
+ replacing the audit-report pattern with cross-logging of certificates in
+ independent logs, thus assuming that at least one log is honest as opposed
+ to no log in the complete design. All Tor Browser needs to do is verify
+ log signatures and then submit the encountered certificates to randomly
+ selected Tor relays. Such submissions are probabilistic to balance
+ performance against the risk of eventual detection of log misbehavior.
+ Processing of the submitted certificates is also randomized to reduce
+ leakage of real-time browsing patterns, something Tor Browser cannot do on
+ its own due to criteria like disk avoidance and the threat model for
+ wanting Certificate Transparency in the first place. We provide a
+ security sketch and estimate performance overhead based on Internet
+ measurements.
+ },
+ participation={\vspace{-.25cm}
+ I had the initial idea and was the main driver to move the work forward,
+ first in discussion with Tobias and then together with Tom and Paul.
+ },
+ label={
+ paper:ctor
+ },
+ \maketitle
+ \begin{abstract}
+ \input{src/ctor/src/abstract}
+ \end{abstract}
+ \input{src/ctor/src/introduction}
+ \input{src/ctor/src/background}
+ \input{src/ctor/src/adversary}
+ \input{src/ctor/src/design}
+ \input{src/ctor/src/analysis}
+ \input{src/ctor/src/cross-logging}
+ \input{src/ctor/src/performance}
+ \input{src/ctor/src/privacy}
+ \input{src/ctor/src/related}
+ \input{src/ctor/src/conclusion}
+ \input{src/ctor/src/acknowledgements}
+ \bibliographystyle{plain}
+ \bibliography{src/ctor/src/ref}
+ \begin{appendices}
+ \input{src/ctor/src/appendix}
+ \end{appendices}
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+The security of the web improved greatly throughout the last couple of years.
+A large majority of the web is now served encrypted as part of HTTPS, and
+web browsers accordingly moved from positive to negative security indicators
+that warn the user if a connection is insecure. A secure connection requires
+that the server presents a valid certificate that binds the domain name in
+question to a public key. A certificate used to be valid if signed by a trusted
+Certificate Authority (CA), but web browsers like Google Chrome and
+Apple's Safari have additionally started to mandate Certificate Transparency (CT)
+logging to overcome the weakest-link security of the CA ecosystem. Tor and the
+Firefox-based Tor Browser have yet to enforce CT.
+We present privacy-preserving and incrementally-deployable
+designs that add support for CT in Tor. Our designs go beyond the currently
+deployed CT enforcements that are based on blind trust:
+ if a user that uses Tor Browser is man-in-the-middled over HTTPS,
+ we probabilistically detect and disclose cryptographic evidence of CA and/or
+ CT log misbehavior.
+The first design increment allows Tor to play a vital role in the overall goal
+of CT:
+ detect mis-issued certificates and hold CAs accountable.
+We achieve this by randomly cross-logging a subset of certificates into other CT
+logs. The final increments hold misbehaving CT logs accountable, initially
+assuming that some logs are benign and then without any such assumption.
+Given that the current CT deployment lacks strong mechanisms to verify if log
+operators play by the rules, exposing misbehavior is important for the web in
+general and not just Tor. The full design turns Tor into a system for
+maintaining a probabilistically-verified view of the CT log ecosystem available
+from Tor's consensus. Each increment leading up to it preserves privacy due to
+and how we use Tor.
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+We would like to thank our anonymous reviewers as well as Linus Nordberg and
+Eric Rescorla for their valuable feedback.
+Rasmus Dahlberg was supported by the Knowledge Foundation of Sweden and the
+Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research,
+Tobias Pulls by the Swedish Internet Foundation, and
+Paul Syverson by the U.S.\ Office of Naval Research (ONR).
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+\section{Threat Model} \label{ctor:sec:adversary}
+We consider a strong attacker who is targeting all or a subset of users visiting
+a particular website over Tor. It is generally difficult to perform a targeted
+attack on a single particular Tor user because one needs to identify the user's
+connection before performing the attack---something that Tor's
+anonymity properties frustrate.
+However, it is not difficult to perform an attack on all or a subset of unknown
+users of a particular service. A network vantage point to perform such an attack
+is easily obtained by operating an exit relay (for a subset of Tor users) or by
+compromising the network path of multiple exit relays or the final destination.
+Once so positioned, the encrypted network traffic can be intercepted using a
+fraudulent certificate and associated SCTs. The subsequent attack on decrypted
+network traffic
+may be passive (to gather user credentials or other information) or active.
+Typical examples of active attacks are to change cryptocurrency addresses to
+redirect funds to the attacker or to serve an exploit to the user's browser for
+\emph{user deanonymization}. Without the ability to intercept encrypted traffic,
+these attacks become more difficult as the web moves towards deprecating
+plaintext HTTP.
+All of the components of such an attack have been seen in-the-wild
+numerous times. Untargeted attacks on visitors of a particular website
+include Syria's interception of Facebook traffic using a self-signed
+512-bit RSA key in ~2011~\cite{syria-facebook-mitm}, Iran's
+interception of Bing and Google traffic using the DigiNotar
+CA~\cite{ct/a,diginotar}, and the 2018 MyEtherWallet
+self-signed certificate that was used as part of a BGP
+hijack~\cite{ethereum-hijack-isoc}. The latter is also an example of
+redirecting routing as part of an attack (either suspected or
+confirmed). Other examples of this are Iran hijacking prefixes of
+Telegram (an encrypted messaging application) in
+2018~\cite{iran-telegram-bgp}, another attack on cryptocurrency in
+2014 this time targeting unencrypted mining
+and hijacks that may have been intelligence-gathering (or honest
+mistakes) including hijacks by Russian ISPs in 2017 and China Telecom
+in 2018 and 2019~\cite{wiki-bgp}. Finally, there are several examples of
+law enforcement serving exploits to Tor Browser users to de-anonymize and
+subsequently arrest individuals~\cite{forbes-fbi-tor,doj-fbi-tor}.
+the attacker's profile in mind, we consider someone that controls
+ a CA,
+ enough CT logs to pass Tor Browser's SCT-centric CT policy,
+ some Tor clients, and
+ a fraction of Tor relays.
+For example, it is possible to
+ issue certificates and SCTs,
+ dishonor promises of public logging,
+ present split-views at will,
+ intercept and delay traffic from controlled exit relays as well as CT logs,
+ and
+ be partially present in the network.
+This includes a weaker attacker that does not \emph{control} CAs and CT logs,
+but who \emph{gained access} to the relevant signing keys~\cite{turktrust,%
+gdca1-omission}. A modest fraction of CTor entities can be subject to DoS, but
+not everyone at once and all the time. In other words, we consider the threat
+model of Tor and Tor Browser as a starting point~\cite{tor,tor-browser}. Any
+attacker that can reliably disrupt CT and/or Tor well beyond Tor's threat
+model is therefore not within ours.
+Given that we are in the business of enforcing CT, the attacker needs to hide
+mis-issued certificates and SCTs from entities that audit the CT log ecosystem.
+As described in Section~\ref{ctor:sec:background:ct}, this can either be achieved by
+omission or split-view attacks. Our intended attacker is clearly powerful and
+may successfully issue a certificate chain and associated SCTs without detection
+some of the time, but a CA caught in mis-issuance or a CT log that violated an
+MMD promise will no longer be regarded as trusted. Therefore, we assume a
+\emph{risk-averse} attacker that above a relatively low probability of detection
+would be deterred from engaging in such activities. Note that the goal of
+\emph{detection} is inherited from CT's threat model, which aims to remedy
+certificate mis-issuance \emph{after the fact}; not prevent it~\cite{ct/a}.
+We identify and analyze specific attack vectors that follow from our threat
+model and design as part of the security analysis in Section~\ref{ctor:sec:analysis},
+namely, attack vectors related to timing as well as relay flooding and tagging.
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+\section{Security Analysis} \label{ctor:sec:analysis}
+We consider four types of impact for an attacker that conducted
+HTTPS-based man-in-the-middle attacks on Tor Browser. Other than \emph{none},
+these impact types are:
+ \item[Minor] the attack was detected due to some cover-up that involved
+ network-wide actions against CTor. This is likely hard to attribute to
+ the actual attacker, but nevertheless it draws much unwanted attention.
+ \item[Significant] the attack generated public cryptographic evidence
+ that proves CA misbehavior.
+ \item[Catastrophic] the attack generated public cryptographic evidence
+ that proves CT log misbehavior.
+Our design leads to significant and catastrophic impact events, but does
+unfortunately not preclude minor ones. It is possible to overcome this
+shortcoming at different trade-offs, e.g., by tuning CTor parameters reactively
+(phase~2 below) or relying on different trust assumptions as in the
+incremental cross-logging designs (Section~\ref{ctor:sec:incremental}).
+\textbf{Probability of Detection.}
+Suppose the attacker mis-issued a certificate that Tor Browser trusts, and that
+it is considered valid because it is accompanied by enough SCTs from CT logs
+that the attacker controls. The resulting SFO is then used to man-in-the-middle
+a single Tor Browser user, i.e., for the purpose of our analysis we consider
+\emph{the most risk-averse scenario possible}. Clearly, none of the attacker's
+CT logs plan to keep any promise of public logging:
+ that would trivially imply significant impact events.
+The risk of exposure is instead bound by the probability that \emph{any} of the
+four phases in our design fail to propagate the mis-issued SFO to a pinned CT
+auditor that is benign.
+\textbf{Phase~1: Submission.}
+The probability of detection cannot exceed the probability of submission
+(\texttt{ct-submit-pr}). We analyze the outcome of submitting the mis-issued
+SFO from Tor Browser to a CTR\@. There are two cases to consider, namely, the
+mis-issued SFO is either larger than \texttt{ct-large-sfo-size} or it is not.
+If the SFO is larger than \texttt{ct-large-sfo-size}, Tor Browser blocks until
+the SFO is submitted and its CT circuit is closed. As such, it is impossible to
+serve a Tor Browser exploit reactively over the man-in-the-middled connection
+that shuts-down the submission procedure before it occurs. Assuming that
+forensic traces in tor and Tor Browser are unreliable,\footnote{%
+ ``tor'' (aka ``little-t tor'') is the tor process Tor Browser uses to
+ interact with the Tor network. On marking a circuit as closed in tor, tor
+ immediately schedules the associated data structures to be freed as soon as
+ possible.
+} the sampled CTR identity also cannot be revealed with high certainty
+afterwards by compromising Tor Browser. The attacker may know that the SFO is
+buffered by \emph{some CTR} based on timing, i.e., blocking-behavior could be
+measurable and distinct. The important part is not to reveal \emph{which CTR}
+received a submission: a single Tor relay may be subject to DoS.
+If the SFO is smaller or equal to \texttt{ct-large-sfo-size} there is a
+race between (i) the time it takes for Tor Browser to submit the SFO and close
+its CT circuit against (ii) the time it takes for the attacker to compromise Tor
+Browser and identify the CTR in question. It is more advantageous to try and
+win this race rather than being in the unfruitful scenario above. Therefore,
+the attacker would maximize the time it takes to perform (i) by sending an SFO
+that is \texttt{ct-large-sfo-size}. Our design reduced the threat of an
+attacker that wins this race by using pre-built CT circuits that are closed
+immediately after use. This makes the attack surface \emph{narrow}, limiting
+the number of reliable exploits (if any).
+Note that the attack surface could, in theory, be eliminated by setting
+\texttt{ct-large-sfo-size} to zero. However, that is likely too costly in
+terms of latency~\cite{no-hard-fail}.
+\textbf{Phase~2: Buffering.}
+The probability of detection cannot exceed $1-(f_{\mathsf{ctr}} +
+f_{\mathsf{dos}})$, where $f_{\mathsf{ctr}}$ is the fraction of
+malicious CTRs and $f_{\mathsf{dos}}$ the fraction of CTRs that suffer from
+DoS. We analyze the outcome of SFO reception at a genuine CTR\@.
+The time that an SFO is buffered depends on if the log's MMD elapsed or not.
+The earliest point in time that a newly issued SCT can be audited (and the log
+is expected to respond) is an MMD later, whereas the normal buffer time is
+otherwise only governed by smaller randomness in the \texttt{audit\_after}
+timestamp (minutes). A rational attacker would therefore maximize the buffer
+time by using a newly issued SCT, resulting in an attack window that is \emph{at
+least} 24~hours for today's CT logs~\cite{google-log-policy}.
+Following from Tor's threat model, the mis-issued SFO must be stored in volatile
+memory and not to disk. Two risks emerge due to large buffer times:
+ the CTR in question might be restarted by the operator independently of the
+ attacker's mis-issued SFO being buffered,
+ and given enough time the attacker might find a way to cause the evidence to
+ be deleted.
+While a risk-averse attacker cannot rely on the former to avoid detection, we
+emphasize that the CTR criteria must include the \texttt{stable} flag to reduce
+the probability of this occurring.
+The latter is more difficult to evaluate. It depends on the attacker's
+knowledge as well as capabilities. Phase~1 ensured that the attacker \emph{does
+not know which CTR to target}. As such, any attempt to intervene needs to
+target all CTRs. While a network-wide DoS against Tor would be effective, it is
+not within our threat model. A less intrusive type of DoS would be to
+\emph{flood} CTRs by submitting massive amounts of SFOs: just enough to make
+memory a scarce resource, but without making Tor unavailable. This could
+potentially \emph{flush} a target SFO from the CTR's finite memory, following
+from the delete-at-random strategy in Section~\ref{ctor:sec:base:phase2}. Assuming
+that a CTR has at most 1~GiB of memory available for SFOs (conservative and in
+favour of the attacker), Appendix~\ref{ctor:app:flush} shows that the attacker's
+flood must involve at least $2.3$~GiB per CTR to accomplish a 90\% success
+certainty. This means that it takes $7.9$--$39.3$~minutes if the relay
+bandwidth is between 8--40~Mbps. So it is impractical to flush all CTRs within
+a few minutes, and hours are needed not to make everyone unavailable at once.
+The CTR criteria set in Section~\ref{ctor:sec:base:consensus} matches over
+4000 Tor relays~\cite{relay-by-flag}. A network-wide flush that succeeds with
+90\% certainty therefore involves 8.99~TiB. It might sound daunting at first,
+but distributed throughout an entire day it only requires 0.91~Gbps. Such an
+attack is within our threat model because it does not make Tor unavailable.
+Notably the ballpark of these numbers do not change to any significant degree by
+assuming larger success probabilities, e.g., a 99\% probability only doubles the
+overhead. Further, the needed bandwidth scales linearly with the assumed memory
+of CTRs. This makes it difficult to rely on the finite volatile memory of CTRs
+to mitigate network-wide flushes. As described in
+Section~\ref{ctor:sec:base:phase2}, we ensure that flushes are \emph{detected} by
+publishing the number of received and deleted SFO bytes throughout different
+time intervals as extra-info.
+Once detected, there are several possible \emph{reactions} that decrease the
+likelihood of a minor impact scenario. For example, Tor's directory
+authorities could lower MMDs to, say, 30~minutes, so that the SFO is reported to
+an auditor before it is flushed with high probability. This has the benefit of
+implying significant impact because the mis-issued certificate is detected, but
+also the drawback of allowing the logs to merge the certificate before there is
+any MMD violation to speak of. The most appropriate response depends on the
+exact attack scenario and which trade-offs one is willing to accept.
+\textbf{Phase~3: Auditing.}
+By the time an SFO enters the audit phase, the log in question is expected to
+respond with a valid inclusion proof. There is no such proof if the log
+violated its MMD, and it is too late to create a split-view that merged the
+certificate in time because the CTR's view is already fixed by an STH in the
+Tor consensus that captured the log's misbehavior. In fact, creating any
+split-view within Tor is impractical because it requires that the consensus is
+forged or that nobody ever checks whether the trusted STHs are consistent.
+This leaves two options:
+ the attacker either responds to the query with an invalid inclusion proof or
+ not at all.
+The former is immediately detected and starts phase~4, whereas the latter forces
+the CTR to wait for \texttt{ct-watchdog-timeout} to trigger (which is a
+few seconds to avoid premature auditor reports). A rational attacker prefers
+the second option to gain time.
+Clearly, the attacker knows that \emph{some} CTR holds evidence of log
+misbehavior as it is being audited. The relevant question is whether the
+\emph{exact CTR identity} can be inferred, in which case the attacker could
+knock it offline (DoS). Motivated by the threat of \emph{tagging}, where the
+attacker sends unique SFOs to all CTRs so that their identities are revealed
+once queried for, we erred on the safe side and built watchdogs into our design:
+it is already too late to DoS the querying CTR because the evidence is already
+replicated somewhere else, ready to be reported unless there is a timely
+acknowledgement. The attacker would have to \emph{break into an arbitrary CTR
+within seconds} to cancel the watchdog, which cannot be identified later on
+(same premise as the sampled CTR in phase~1). Such an attacker is not in Tor's
+threat model.
+\textbf{Phase~4: Reporting.}
+At this stage the process of reporting the mis-issued SFO to a random CT auditor
+is initiated. Clearly, the probability of detection cannot exceed
+$1-f_{\mathsf{auditor}}$, where $f_{\mathsf{auditor}}$ is the fraction of
+malicious CT auditors. Fixating the sampled CT auditor is important to avoid
+the threat of an eventually successful report only if it is destined to the
+attacker's auditor because our attacker is partially present in the network.
+Gaining time at this stage is of limited help because the CTR identity is
+unknown as noted above, and it remains the
+case throughout phase~4 due to reporting on independent Tor circuits (and
+independently of if other SFO reports succeeded or not). Without an
+identifiable watchdog, the attacker needs a network-wide attack that is already
+more likely to succeed in the buffer phase.
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+\section{Detailed Consensus Parameters} \label{ctor:app:consensus-params}
+Below, the value of an item is computed as the median of all votes.
+ \item[ct-submit-pr:] A floating-point in $[0,1]$ that determines Tor
+ Browser's submission probability. For example, $0$ disables submissions
+ while $0.10$ means that every 10$^{\mathsf{th}}$ SFO is sent to a random
+ CTR on average.
+ \item[ct-large-sfo-size:] A natural number that determines how many
+ wire-bytes a normal SFO should not exceed. As outlined in
+ Section~\ref{ctor:sec:base:phase1}, excessively large SFOs are subject to
+ stricter verification criteria.
+ \item[ct-log-timeout:] A natural number that determines how long a CTR waits
+ before concluding that a CT log is unresponsive, e.g., 5~seconds. As
+ outlined in Section~\ref{ctor:sec:base:phase3}, a timeout causes the watchdog
+ to send an SFO to the auditor.
+ \item[ct-delay-dist:] A distribution that determines how long a CTR should
+ wait at minimum before auditing a submitted SFO. As outlined in
+ Section~\ref{ctor:sec:base:phase2}, random noise is added, e.g., on the order
+ of minutes to an hour.
+ \item[ct-backoff-dist:]
+ A distribution that determines how long a CTR should wait between two
+ auditing instances, e.g., a few minutes on average. As outlined in
+ Section~\ref{ctor:sec:base:phase3}, CTRs audit pending SFOs in batches at
+ random time intervals to spread out log overhead.
+ \item[ct-watchdog-timeout:] A natural number that determines how long time
+ at most a watchdog waits before considering an SFO for reporting. Prevents
+ the watchdog from having to wait for a circuit timeout caused by an
+ unresponsive CTR. Should be set with \texttt{ct-backoff-dist} in mind.
+ \item[ct-auditor-timeout] A natural number that determines how long time at
+ most a watchdog waits for an auditor to acknowledge the submission of an SFO.
+\section{Log Operators \& Trust Anchors} \label{ctor:app:ct-trust-anchors}
+The standardized CT protocol suggests that a log's trust anchors should
+``usefully be the union of root certificates trusted by major browser
+vendors''~\cite{ct,ct/bis}. Apple further claims that a log in their CT program
+``must trust all root CA certificates included in Apple's trust
+store''~\cite{apple-log-policy}. This bodes well for the incremental CTor
+ we assumed that the existence of independent log operators implies the
+ ability to at least add certificate chains and possibly complete SFOs
+ into logs that the attacker does not control.
+Google's CT policy currently qualifies 36 logs that are hosted by
+ Cloudflare,
+ DigiCert,
+ Google,
+ Let's Encrypt,
+ Sectigo, and
+ TrustAsia~\cite{google-log-policy}.
+No log accepts all roots, but the overlap between root certificates that are
+trusted by major browser vendors and CT logs increased over
+time~\cite{ct-root-landscape}. This trend would likely continue if there are
+user agents that benefit from it, e.g., Tor Browser. Despite relatively few
+log operators and an incomplete root coverage, the basic and extended
+cross-logging in CTor still provide significant value as is:
+ \item Even if there are no independent logs available for a certificate
+ issued by some CA, adding it again \emph{to the same logs} would come
+ with practical security gains. For example, if the attacker gained
+ access to the secret signing keys but not the logs' infrastructures
+ the mis-issued certificate trivially makes it into the public. If the
+ full SFO is added, the log operators could also notice that they were
+ compromised.
+ \item Most log operators only exclude a small fraction of widely accepted
+ root certificates: 1--5\%~\cite{ct-root-landscape}. This narrows down
+ the possible CAs that the attacker must control by 1--2 orders of
+ magnitude. In other words, to be entirely sure that CTor would (re)add
+ a mis-issued SFO to the attacker-controlled CT logs, this smaller group
+ of CAs must issue the underlying certificate. It is likely harder to
+ take control of Let's Encrypt which some logs and operators exclude due
+ to the sheer volume of issued certificates than, say, a smaller CA that
+ law enforcement may coerce.
+Browser-qualified or not, the availability of independent logs that accept the
+commonly accepted root certificates provides significant ecosystem value.
+Log misbehavior is mostly reported through the CT policy mailing list. Thus, it
+requires manual intervention. Wide support of certificate chain and SCT
+cross-logging allows anyone to \emph{casually} disclose suspected log
+misbehavior on-the-fly.
+\section{Flushing a Single CTR} \label{ctor:app:flush}
+Let $n$ be the number of SFOs that a CTR can store in its buffer. The
+probability to sample a target SFO is thus $\frac{1}{n}$, and the probability to
+not sample a target SFO is $q = 1 - \frac{1}{n}$. The probability to not sample
+a target SFO after $k$ submissions is $q^k$. Thus, the probability to sample
+the relevant buffer index at least once is $p = 1 - q^k$. Solving for $k$ we
+get: $k = \frac{\log(1 - p)}{\log(q)}$. Substituting $q$ for $1 - \frac{1}{n}$
+yields Equation~\ref{ctor:eq:flush}, which can be used to compute the number of
+SFO submissions that the attacker needs to flush a buffer of $n>2$
+entries with some probability~$p\in[0,1)$.
+\begin{equation} \label{ctor:eq:flush}
+ k = \frac{\log(1-p)}{\log(1 - \frac{1}{n})}
+It is recommended that a non-exit relay should have at least 512MB of memory.
+If the available bandwidth exceeds 40Mbps, it should have at least
+1GB~\cite{relay-config}. Given that these recommendations are lower bounds,
+suppose the average memory available to store SFOs is 1GiB.
+Section~\ref{ctor:sec:performance} further showed that the average SFO size is
+roughly 6KiB. This means that the buffer capacity is $n \gets 174763$ SFOs.
+Plugging it into Equation~\ref{ctor:eq:flush} for $p \gets \frac{9}{10}$, the
+attacker's flood must involve $k \gets 402406$ submissions. In other words,
+2.3GiB must be transmitted to flush a single CTR with 90\% success probability.
+As a corner case and implementation detail it is important that Tor Browser and
+CTRs \emph{reject} SFOs that are bogus in terms of size: it is a trivial DoS
+vector to load data indefinitely. If such a threshold is added the required
+flushing bandwidth is still 2.3GiB (e.g., use 1MiB SFOs in the above
+computations). What can be said about bandwidth and potential adversarial
+advantages is that a submitted SFO yields amplification:
+ twofold for cross-logging, and
+ slightly more for proof-fetching as the SFO is pushed up-front to a
+ watchdog.
+Note that such amplification is smaller than a typical website visit.
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+\section{Background} \label{ctor:sec:background}
+The theory and current practise of CT is introduced first, then Tor
+and its privacy-preserving Tor Browser.
+\subsection{Certificate Transparency} \label{ctor:sec:background:ct}
+The idea to transparently log TLS certificates emerged at Google in response to
+a lack of proposals that could be deployed without drastic ecosystem changes
+and/or significant downsides~\cite{ct/a}. By making the set of issued
+certificate chains\footnote{%
+ A domain owner's certificate is signed by an intermediate CA, whose
+ certificate is in turned signed by a root CA that acts as a trust
+ anchor~\cite{ca-ecosystem}. Such a \emph{certificate chain} is valid if it
+ ends in a trusted anchor that is shipped in the user's system software.
+} transparent, anyone that inspect the logs can detect certificate
+mis-issuance \emph{after the fact}. It would be somewhat circular to solve
+issues in the CA ecosystem by adding trusted CT logs. Therefore, the
+cryptographic foundation of CT is engineered to avoid any such reliance.
+Google's \emph{gradual} CT roll-out started in 2015, and evolved from
+downgrading user-interface indicators in Chrome to the current state of hard
+failures unless a certificate is accompanied by a signed \emph{promise} that it
+will appear in two CT logs~\cite{does-ct-break-the-web}. Unlike Apple's
+Safari~\cite{apple-log-policy}, these two logs must additionally be operated by
+Google and not-Google to ensure independence~\cite{google-log-policy}.
+The lack of mainstream verification, i.e., beyond checking signatures, allows an
+attacker to side-step the current CT enforcement with minimal risk of exposure
+\emph{if the required logs are controlled by the attacker}.
+CTor integrates into the gradual CT roll-out by starting on the
+premise of pairwise-independently trusted CT logs, which
+avoids the risk of bad user experience~\cite{does-ct-break-the-web}
+and significant system complexity. For example, web pages are unlikely to
+break, TLS handshake latency stays about the same, and no robust management of
+suspected log misbehavior is needed. Retaining the latter property as part of
+our incremental designs simplifies deployment.
+\subsubsection{Cryptographic Foundation}
+The operator of a CT log maintains a tamper-evident append-only Merkle
+tree~\cite{ct,ct/bis}. At any time, a Signed Tree Head (STH) can be produced
+which fixes the log's structure and content. Important attributes of an STH
+ the tree head (a cryptographic hash),
+ the tree size (a number of entries), and
+ the current time.
+Given two tree sizes, a log can produce a \emph{consistency proof} that proves
+the newer tree head entails everything that the older tree head does. As such,
+anyone can verify that the log is append-only without downloading all entries
+and recomputing the tree head. Membership of an entry can also be proven
+by producing an \emph{inclusion proof} for an STH. These proof techniques are
+formally verified~\cite{secure-logging-and-ct}.
+Upon a valid request, a log must add an entry and produce a new STH that covers
+it within a time known as the Maximum Merge Delay (MMD), e.g., 24~hours. This
+policy aspect can be verified because in response, a Signed Certificate
+Timestamp (SCT) is returned. An SCT is a signed promise that an entry will
+appear in the log within an MMD. A log that violates its MMD is said to perform
+an \emph{omission attack}. It can be detected by challenging the log to prove
+inclusion. A log that forks, presenting one append-only version
+to some entities and another to others, is said to perform a \emph{split-view
+attack}. Split-views can be detected by STH
+\subsubsection{Standardization and Verification}
+The standardized CT protocol defines public HTTP(S) endpoints that allow anyone
+to check the log's accepted trust anchors and added certificates, as well as
+to obtain the most recent STH and to fetch proofs~\cite{ct,ct/bis}. For
+example, the \texttt{add-chain} endpoint returns an SCT if the added certificate
+chain ends in a trust anchor returned by the \texttt{get-roots} endpoint. We
+use \texttt{add-chain} in Section~\ref{ctor:sec:incremental}, as well as several
+other endpoints in Section~\ref{ctor:sec:base} to fetch proofs and STHs. It might be
+helpful to know that an inclusion proof is fetched based on two parameters: a
+certificate hash and the tree size of an STH. The former specifies the log entry
+of interest, and the latter with regards to which view inclusion should be
+proven. The returned proof is valid if it can be used in combination with the
+certificate to reconstruct the STH's tree head.
+The CT landscape provides a limited value unless it is verified that the logs
+play by the rules. What the rules are changed over time, but they are largely
+influenced by the major browser vendors that define \emph{CT policies}. For
+example, what is required to become a recognized CT log in terms of uptime and
+trust anchors, and which criteria should pass to consider a certificate CT
+compliant~\cite{apple-log-policy,google-log-policy}. While there are several ways that
+a log can misbehave with regards to these policy aspects, the most fundamental
+forms of cheating are omission and split-view attacks. A party that follows-up
+on inclusion and consistency proofs is said to \emph{audit} the logs.
+Widespread client-side auditing is a premise for CT logs to be untrusted, but
+none of the web browsers that enforce CT engage in such activities yet. For
+example, requesting an inclusion proof is privacy-invasive because it leaks
+browsing patterns to the logs, and reporting suspected log misbehavior comes
+with privacy~\cite{ct-with-privacy} as well as operational challenges.
+Found log incidents are mostly reported manually to the CT policy
+list~\cite{ct-policy-mailing-list}. This is in contrast to automated
+\emph{CT monitors}, which notify domain owners
+of newly issued certificates based on what actually appeared in the public
+\subsection{Tor} \label{ctor:sec:background:tor}
+Most of the activity of Tor's millions of daily users starts with Tor Browser
+and connects to some ordinary website via a circuit comprised of three
+randomly-selected Tor relays. In this way no identifying information from
+Internet protocols (such as IP address) are automatically provided to the
+destination, and no single entity can observe both the source and destination of
+a connection. Tor Browser is also configured and performs some filtering to resist
+browser fingerprinting, and first party isolation to resist sharing state or
+linking of identifiers across origins. More generally it avoids storing
+identifying configuration and behavioral information to disk.
+Tor relays in a circuit are selected at random, but not uniformly. A typical
+circuit is comprised of a \emph{guard}, a \emph{middle}, and an \emph{exit}. A
+guard is selected by a client and used for several months as the entrance to all
+Tor circuits. If the guard is not controlled by an adversary, that adversary
+will not find itself selected to be on a Tor circuit adjacent to (thus
+identifying) the client. And because some relay operators do not wish to act as
+the apparent Internet source for connections to arbitrary destinations, relay
+operators can configure the ports (if any) on which they will permit connections
+besides to other Tor relays. Finally, to facilitate load balancing, relays are
+assigned a weight based on their apparent capacity to carry traffic. In keeping
+with avoiding storing of linkable state, even circuits that share an origin will
+only permit new connections over that circuit for ten minutes. After that, if
+all connections are closed, all state associated with the circuit is cleared.
+Tor clients use this information when choosing relays with which to build a
+circuit. They receive the information via an hourly updated \emph{consensus}.
+The consensus assigns weights as well as flags such as \texttt{guard} or
+\texttt{exit}. It also assigns auxiliary flags such as
+\texttt{stable}, which, e.g.,
+is necessary to obtain the \texttt{guard} flag since guards must have good
+availability. Self-reported information by relays in their \emph{extra-info
+document}, such as statistics on their read and written bytes, are also part of
+the consensus and uploaded to \emph{directory authorities}. Directory
+authorities determine the consensus by voting on various components making up
+the shared view of the state of the Tor network. Making sure that all clients
+have a consistent view of the network prevents epistemic attacks wherein clients
+can be separated based on the routes that are consistent with their
+understanding~\cite{danezis:pets2008}. This is only a very rough sketch of Tor's
+design and operation. More details can be found by following links at Tor's
+documentation site~\cite{tor-documentation}.
+Tor does not aim to prevent end-to-end correlation attacks. An adversary
+controlling the guard and exit, or controlling the destination and observing the
+client ISP, etc., is assumed able to confirm who is connected to whom on that
+particular circuit. The Tor threat model assumes an adversary able to control
+and/or observe a small to moderate fraction of Tor relays measured by both
+number of relays and by consensus weight, and it assumes a large
+number of Tor clients
+able to, for example, flood individual relays to detect traffic signatures of
+honest traffic on a given circuit~\cite{long-paths}. Also, the adversary can
+knock any small number of relays offline via either attacks from clients or
+direct Internet DDoS.
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+\section{Conclusion} \label{ctor:sec:conclusion}
+We proposed CTor, a privacy-preserving and incrementally-deployable design that
+brings CT to Tor. Tor Browser should start by taking the same proactive
+security measures as Google Chrome and Apple's Safari:
+ require that a certificate is only valid if accompanied by at least two
+ SCTs.
+Such CT enforcement narrows down the attack surface from the weakest-link
+security of the CA ecosystem to a relatively small number of trusted log
+operators \emph{without negatively impacting the user experience to an
+unacceptable degree}. The problem is that a powerful attacker may gain control
+of the required logs, trivially circumventing enforcement without significant
+risk of exposure. If deployed incrementally, CTor relaxes the currently
+deployed trust assumption by distributing it across all CT logs. If the full
+design is put into operation, such trust is completely eliminated.
+CTor repurposes Tor relays to ensure that today's trust in CT logs is not
+ Tor Browser probabilistically submits the encountered certificates and SCTs
+ to Tor relays, which
+ cross-log them into independent CT logs (incremental design)
+ or request inclusion proofs with regards to a single fixed view
+ (full design).
+It turns out that delegating verification to a party that can defer it
+is paramount in our setting, both for privacy and security. Tor and the wider
+web would greatly benefit from each design increment. The full design turns Tor
+into a
+system for maintaining a probabilistically-verified view of the entire CT log
+ecosystem, provided in Tor's consensus for anyone to use as a basis of trust.
+The idea to cross-log certificates and SCTs further showcase how certificate
+mis-issuance and suspected log misbehavior could be disclosed casually without
+any manual intervention by using the log ecosystem against the attacker.
+The attacker's best bet to break CTor involves any of the following:
+ operating significant parts of the CTor infrastructure,
+ spending a reliable Tor Browser zero-day that escalates privileges within a
+ tiny time window, or
+ targeting all Tor relays in an attempt to delete any evidence of certificate
+ mis-issuance and log misbehavior.
+The latter---a so-called network-wide flush---brings us to the border of our
+threat model, but it cannot be ignored due to the powerful attacker that we
+consider. Therefore, CTor is designed so that Tor can \emph{adapt} in response
+to interference. For example, in Tor Browser the \texttt{ct-large-sfo-size}
+could be set reactively such that all SFOs must be sent to a CTR before
+accepting any HTTPS application-layer data to counter zero-days, and the submit
+probability \texttt{ct-submit-pr} could be increased if ongoing attacks are
+suspected. When it comes to the storage phase, the consensus can minimize or
+maximize the storage time by tuning a log's MMD in the \texttt{ct-log-info}
+item. The distribution that adds random buffering delays could also be updated,
+as well as log operator relationships during the auditing phase.
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+\section{Incremental Deployment} \label{ctor:sec:incremental}
+Section~\ref{ctor:sec:base} covered the full design that places zero-trust in the CT
+landscape by challenging the logs to prove certificate inclusion with regards to
+trusted STHs in the Tor consensus. If no such proof can be provided, the
+suspected evidence of log misbehavior is reported to a trusted CT auditor that
+follows-up on the incident, which involves human intervention if an issue
+persists. The proposed design modifies the Tor consensus, Tor relays, and Tor
+Browser. It also requires development and operation of a trusted auditor
+infrastructure. The current lack of the latter makes it unlikely that we will
+see adoption of CTor in its full potential anytime soon, and begs the question
+of increments that help us get there in the future. Therefore, we additionally
+propose two incremental designs in this section.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{src/ctor/img/design-incremental}
+ \caption{%
+ Incremental design that can be deployed without any
+ trusted CT auditors. Tor Browser still submits SFOs to CTRs on
+ independent Tor circuits for the sake of privacy and security. After
+ CTR buffering, the submitted certificates are \emph{cross-logged} by
+ adding them to independent CT logs (selected at random) that the
+ attacker does not control (inferred from accompanied SCTs).
+ }
+ \label{ctor:fig:cross-log}
+Without the ability to rely on CT auditors, trust needs to be shifted elsewhere
+because we cannot expect relay operators to take on the role. At the same time,
+an incremental proposal needs to improve upon the status quo of
+pairwise-independently trusted CT logs. These observations lead us towards the
+trust assumption that \emph{at least some} of the CT logs are trustworthy. Such
+an assumption is suboptimal, but it does provide a real-world security
+improvement by significantly raising the bar from weakest-link(s) to quite the
+The smallest change of the full design would be for watchdogs to report
+suspected certificate mis-issuance to all CT logs, simply by using the public
+\texttt{add-chain} API to make the SFO's certificate chain transparent. This
+has the benefit of holding the CA accountable if \emph{some} log operator is
+benign. Given that our attacker is risk-averse, reporting to a single
+independent log\footnote{The independent log need not be trusted by the browser,
+i.e., it could be specified separately in the Tor consensus. An operator that
+runs such a log would help distribute trust and facilitate auditing.
+Appendix~\ref{ctor:app:ct-trust-anchors} provides details on today's log ecosystem.}
+that issued none of the accompanied SCTs would likely be sufficient. There is
+also room for further simplification: there is no point in challenging the logs
+to prove inclusion if the fallback behavior of no response only makes the issued
+certificate public, not the associated SCTs. Thus, CTRs could opt to cross-log
+immediately \emph{without ever distinguishing between certificates that are
+benign and possibly fraudulent}. This results in the incremental design shown
+in Figure~\ref{ctor:fig:cross-log}, which initially removes several system
+complexities such as extra-info metrics, auditor infrastructure, watchdog
+collaborations, and inclusion proof fetching against trusted STHs in Tor's
+The drawback of certificate cross-logging is that the misbehaving CT logs cannot
+be exposed. There is also a discrepancy between cross-logging and encouraging
+the CT landscape to deploy reliable CT auditors. We therefore suggest a
+minimal change to the basic cross-logging design that addresses both of these
+concerns. This change is unfortunately to the API of CT logs and not Tor. The
+proposed change is to allow cross-logging of a certificate's issued SCTs, e.g.,
+in the form of an \texttt{add-sfo} API that would replace \texttt{add-chain}
+in Figure~\ref{ctor:fig:cross-log}.
+This means that CTRs could expose both the mis-issued certificate and the logs
+that violated their promises of public logging. At the same time, the
+infrastructural part of a CT auditor is built directly into existing
+CT logs:
+ accepting SFOs that need further investigation.
+Such an API would be an ecosystem improvement in itself, providing a
+well-defined place to report suspected log misbehavior on-the-fly
+\emph{casually}, i.e., without first trying to resolve an SFO for an extended
+time period from many different vantage points and then ultimately reporting it
+manually on the CT policy mailing list.
+\textbf{Security Sketch.}
+There are no changes to phase~1 because cross-logging is instantiated at CTRs.
+Phases~3--4 are now merged, such that the encountered certificates are added to
+independent CT logs that the attacker does/may not control. Watchdogs are no
+longer needed since either the certificates are added to a log that the attacker
+controls, or they are not (which makes them public). The other main difference takes place in phase~2,
+during which CTRs buffer SFOs. The buffer time used to be lengthy due to taking
+early signals and MMDs into account, but it is now irrelevant as no inclusion
+proofs are fetched. The expected buffer time can therefore be shortened down
+to \emph{minutes} that follow only from the randomness in the
+\texttt{audit\_after} timestamp (for the sake of privacy), making network-wide
+flushes impractical while at the same time reducing the time that a mis-issued
+certificate stays unnoticed:
+ a benign log is likely to add an entry before all MMDs elapsed.
+The extended cross-logging also aims to expose log misbehavior. As such, it is
+paramount that no cross-logged SFO becomes public before the issuing CT logs can
+merge the mis-issued certificate reactively to avoid catastrophic impact. This
+could be assured by buffering newly issued SFOs longer as in the full design,
+which brings back the threat and complexity of minor impact scenarios. Another
+option that is appealing for Tor (but less so for CT) is to operate the
+\texttt{add-sfo} API with the expectation of \emph{delayed merges} that account
+for MMDs before making an SFO public, effectively moving lengthy buffering from
+CTRs to CT logs with persistent storage. Trillian-based CT logs already support
+delayed merges of (pre)certificates, see
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+\section{Design} \label{ctor:sec:base}
+A complete design---a design that detects misbehavior by both CAs and CT logs
+within our strong threat model---requires a considerable degree of
+complexity. In this section we present such a full design by breaking it up
+into four phases as shown in Figure~\ref{ctor:fig:design}, demonstrating the need for
+the involved complexity in each step. Section~\ref{ctor:sec:incremental} presents
+two incremental versions of the full design that are less complicated. The
+first increment comes as the cost of having a weaker threat model and security
+goal. The second increment does not have a weaker security goal but requires a
+new CT log API.
+A design that starts by validating SCT signatures like Apple's Safari is
+promising and assumed~\cite{apple-log-policy,apple-on-independence}, but it does
+not stand up against a malicious CA and two CT logs that work in concert. If
+the logs cannot be trusted blindly, the presented SCTs need to be audited.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{src/ctor/img/design-full}
+ \caption{%
+ An overview of the four phases of the full CTor design. In phase 1 Tor
+ Browser submits an SFO (SCT Feedback Object) to a Certificate Transparency
+ Relay (CTR), followed by phase 2 where the CTR buffers the SFO. In phase 3
+ the relay attempts to audit the SFO, and in case of failure, it reports the
+ SFO to an auditor with the help of a watchdog CTR in phase 4.}
+ \label{ctor:fig:design}
+\subsection{Phase~1: Submission} \label{ctor:sec:base:phase1}
+The least complicated auditing design would be one where Tor Browser receives a
+TLS certificate and accompanying SCTs (we will refer to this bundle as an SCT
+Feedback Object, or SFO for short) and talks to the corresponding logs, over
+Tor, requesting an inclusion proof for each SCT. In an ordinary browser, this
+would be an unacceptable privacy leak to the log of browsing behavior associated
+with an IP address; performing this request over Tor hides the user's IP address
+but still leaks real-time browsing behavior.
+An immediate problem with this design is that a primary requirement of Tor
+Browser is to persist no data about browsing behavior after the application
+exits. If we assume that browsers are not left running for long periods of time,
+the inclusion proof request can be easily circumvented by the attacker by using
+a fresh SCT whose MMD has not completed---thus no inclusion proof needs to be
+provided (yet) by the log as per the CT standard. A second problem is that the
+STH that an inclusion proof refers to exists in a \emph{trust vacuum}:
+ there is no way to know that it is consistent with other STHs and not part
+ of a split view (assuming that there is no proactive STH
+ gossip~\cite{dahlberg,syta}, which is not deployed).
+We can evolve the design by adding two components: a list of STHs that Tor
+Browser receives over a trusted channel and the participation of a trusted third
+party with the ability to persist data and perform auditing actions at a later
+point in time.
+A single third party used by all users of Tor Browser would receive a
+considerable aggregation of browsing behavior and would need to scale in-line
+with the entire Tor network. A small number of auditors presents privacy and
+single-point-of-failure concerns. A large number would be ideal but presents
+difficulties in curation and independent management and still requires scaling
+independent of the Tor network. These concerns do not entirely preclude the
+design, but they can be easily avoided by reusing relays in the Tor network as
+our trusted third parties: we call the relays so designated Certificate
+Transparency Relays (CTRs).
+Now, when the browser is completing the TLS handshake, it simultaneously either
+passes the SFO to a CTR (if the MMD of the SCT has not elapsed) or queries the
+log itself for an inclusion proof to a trusted STH\@. However, if we presume
+the attacker can serve an exploit to the browser, the latter behavior is
+immediately vulnerable. The log, upon receiving an inclusion proof request for
+an SCT that it knows is malicious, can delay its response. The TLS connection in
+the browser, having succeeded, will progress to the HTTP request and response,
+at which point the exploit will be served, and the SFO (containing the
+cryptographic evidence of CA and log misbehavior) will be deleted by the exploit
+code. While blocking the TLS connection until the CT log responds is an option,
+experience related to OCSP hard-fail indicates that this notion is likely doomed
+to fail~\cite{no-hard-fail}.
+The final change of the design has Tor Browser submit the SFO to the CTR
+immediately upon receipt (with some probability) in all cases. A consequence of
+this shift is that the trusted STH list no longer needs to be delivered to the
+browser but rather the CTRs. To mitigate the risk of a browser exploit being
+able to identify the CTR to the attacker (who could then target it), we prepare
+\emph{CTR circuits} ahead of time that are closed and discarded as soon as the
+SFO is sent. This allows the SFO submission to race with the TLS connection
+completion and HTTP request/response. An added detail is to block the TLS
+connection in the case that an SFO is unusually large, as defined by a parameter
+\texttt{ct-large-sfo-size}. A large SFO may indicate an attempt to win the race
+between SFO submission and exploitation. The parameter can be set such that it
+happens extremely rarely on legitimate connections, as shown in
+We summarize phase~1 with the following algorithm that provides more explicit
+steps and details, including the addition of a parameter \texttt{ct-submit-pr}
+that indicates a probability that an SFO is submitted to a CTR. This provides
+probabilistic security while providing the ability to adjust submission rates to
+account for
+CTR and more general network scaling/health issues. Given an incoming SFO $s$,
+Tor Browser should:
+ \item Raise a certificate error and stop if the certificate chain of $s$
+ is not rooted in Tor Browser's trust store.
+ \item Raise a certificate transparency error and stop if the SCTs of $s$
+ fail Tor Browser's CT policy.
+ \item If $\mathsf{len}(s) < \texttt{ct-large-sfo-size}$, accept $s$ and
+ conduct the remaining steps in the background while the TLS connection
+ and subsequent HTTP request/response proceed. If $\mathsf{len}(s) \geq
+ \texttt{ct-large-sfo-size}$ pause the TLS handshake, complete the
+ remaining steps, accept~$s$ as valid and then continue the handshake.
+ \item Flip a biased coin based on \texttt{ct-submit-pr} and stop if the
+ outcome indicates no further auditing.
+ \item Submit $s$ to a random CTR on a pre-built circuit. The circuit used
+ for submission is closed immediately without waiting for any
+ acknowledgment.
+\subsection{Phase 2: Buffering} \label{ctor:sec:base:phase2}
+Once received, the most straightforward thing for a CTR to do would be to
+contact the issuing log and request an inclusion proof relative to a trusted
+STH\@. (And if the SCT's MMD has not elapsed, hold the SFO until it has.)
+However, this proposal has two flaws, the first of which leads us to the actual
+design of phase 2.
+Immediately contacting the log about an SFO (i) allows the log to predict when
+exactly it will receive a request about an SFO and (ii) discloses real-time
+browsing behavior to the log. The former problem means that an attacker can
+position resources for perpetuating an attack ahead-of-time, as well as letting
+it know with certainty whether a connection was audited (based on
+\texttt{ct-submit-pr}). The latter is some amount of information leakage that
+can help with real-time traffic analysis.
+Because a CTR must support buffering SCTs regardless (due to the MMD), we can
+schedule an event in the future for when each SFO should be audited. Adding a
+per-SFO value sampled from \texttt{ct-delay-dist} effectively adds stop-and-go
+mixing~\cite{kesdogan:ih1998} to the privacy protection, but where there is only
+one mix (CTR) between sender (client) and receiver (CT log). So there is no
+point in a client-specified interval-start-time such that the mix drops messages
+arriving before then, and there is no additional risk in having the interval end
+time set by the mix rather than the sender. This means both that some SFOs a
+client sends to a CTR at roughly the same time might be audited at different
+times and that SFOs submitted to that CTR by other honest clients are more
+likely to be mixed with these.
+In addition to buffering SFOs for mixing effects, we also add a layer of caching
+to reduce the storage overhead, prevent unnecessary log connections, and limit
+the disclosure to logs. With regards to some CT circuit, an incoming SFO $s$ is
+processed as follows by a CTR:
+ \item\label{ctor:enm:storage:close} Close the circuit to enforce one-time use.
+ \item\label{ctor:enm:storage:unrecognized} Discard all SCTs in the SFO for logs
+ the CTR is not aware of; if no SCT remains then discard the SFO.
+ \item\label{ctor:enm:storage:cached} Stop if $s$ is cached or already pending to
+ be audited in the buffer. See caching details in
+ Section~\ref{ctor:sec:performance:estimates}.
+ \item\label{ctor:enm:storage:fix-log} Sample a CT log $l$ that issued a
+ remaining SCT in~$s$.
+ \item\label{ctor:enm:storage:audit-after} Compute an \texttt{audit\_after}
+ time~$t$, see Figure~\ref{ctor:fig:audit-after}.
+ \item\label{ctor:enm:storage:store} Add $(l,t,s)$ to a buffer of pending SFOs to
+ audit.
+What makes a CT log known to the CTR is part of the Tor consensus, see
+Section~\ref{ctor:sec:base:consensus}. It implies knowledge of a trusted STH for the
+sampled CT log $l$, which refers to an entity that (i) issued an SCT in the
+submitted SFO, and (ii) will be challenged to prove inclusion in phase~3
+sometime after the \texttt{audit\_after} timestamp $t$ elapsed. We choose one
+SCT (and thus log) at random from the SFO because it is sufficient to suspect
+only one misbehaving log so long as we report the entire SFO, allowing us to
+identify the other malicious CT logs later on (a risk averse-attacker would not
+conduct an attack without controlling enough logs, i.e., one benign log would
+otherwise make the mis-issued certificate public).
+ \centering
+ \pseudocode[linenumbering, syntaxhighlight=auto]{%
+ \textrm{t} \gets \mathsf{now}() +
+ \mathsf{MMD} +
+ \mathsf{random}(\texttt{ct-delay-dist}) \\
+ \pcif \textrm{SCT.timestamp} + \textrm{MMD} <
+ \mathsf{now}():\\
+ \pcind\textrm{t} \gets \mathsf{now}() +
+ \mathsf{random}(\texttt{ct-delay-dist})
+ }
+ \caption{%
+ Algorithm that computes an \texttt{audit\_after} timestamp $t$.
+ }
+ \label{ctor:fig:audit-after}
+The \texttt{audit\_after} timestamp specifies the earliest point in time that an
+SCT from an SFO will be audited in phase~3, which adds random noise that
+obfuscates real-time browsing patterns in the Tor network and complicates
+predictions of when it is safe to assume no audit will take place. If memory
+becomes a scarce resource, pending triplets should be deleted at
+random~\cite{nordberg}. Figure~\ref{ctor:fig:audit-after} shows that $t$ takes the
+log's MMD into account. This prevents an \emph{early signal} to the issuing CT
+logs that an SFO is being audited. For example, if an SFO is audited before the
+MMD elapsed, then the issuing CT log could simply merge the underlying
+certificate chain to avoid any MMD violation. However, by taking the MMD into
+account, this results in a relatively large time window during which the
+attacker can attempt to \emph{flood} all CTRs in hope that they delete the
+omitted SFO at random before it is audited. We discuss the threat of flooding
+further in Section~\ref{ctor:sec:analysis}, noting that such an attack can
+be detected if CTRs publish two new metrics in the extra-info document:
+\texttt{ct-receive-bytes} and \texttt{ct-delete-bytes}. These metrics indicate
+how many SFO bytes were received and deleted throughout different time
+intervals, which is similar to other extra-info metrics such as
+\texttt{read-history} and \texttt{write-history}.
+\subsection{Phase 3: Auditing} \label{ctor:sec:base:phase3}
+As alluded to in phase 2, there is a second problem why the simple behavior of
+``contact the log and request an inclusion proof'' is unacceptable. We include
+the ability to DoS an individual Tor relay in our threat model---if the log
+knows which CTR holds the evidence of its misbehavior, it can take the CTR
+offline, wiping the evidence of the log's misbehavior from its memory.
+We can address this concern in a few ways. The simple proposal of contacting the
+log over a Tor circuit will not suffice:
+ a log can tag each CTR by submitting unique SFOs to them all, and
+ recognize the CTR when they are submitted (see
+ Section~\ref{ctor:sec:analysis}).
+Even using a unique Tor circuit for each SFO might not suffice to prevent
+effective tagging attacks. For example, after tagging all CTRs, a malicious log
+could ignore all but innocuous untagged requests and tagged requests matching
+tags for whichever CTR it decides to respond to first. If some kind of
+back-off is supported (common to delay retransmissions and avoid congestion),
+the rest of the CTRs will likely be in back-off so that there is a high
+probability that the first CTR is the one fetching proofs. The log can repeat
+this process---alternating tagged CTRs it replies to---until it receives the
+offending SFO from an identifiable CTR with high probability. CTRs may report
+the log as inaccessible for days, but that is not the same as direct
+cryptographic evidence of misbehavior.
+While there are ways to detect this attack after-the-fact, and there may be ways
+to mitigate it, a more robust design would tolerate the disclosure of a CTRs
+identity to the log during the auditing phase without significant security
+implications. A simple appealing approach is to write the data to disk prior
+to contacting the log; however, Tor relays are explicitly designed not to write
+data about user behavior to disk unless debug-level logging is enabled. Relay
+operators have expressed an explicit desire to never have any user data
+persisted to disk, as it changes the risk profile of their servers with regards
+to search, seizure, and forensic analysis.
+The final design is to have the CTR work with a partner CTR---we call it a
+\emph{watchdog}---that they choose at random and contact over a circuit. Prior
+to attempting to fetch a proof from a log, the CTR provides the watchdog with
+the SFO it is about to audit. After an appropriate response from the log, the
+CTR tells the watchdog that the SFO has been adequately addressed.
+In more detail, each CTR maintains a single shared circuit that is used to
+interact with all CT logs known to the CTR (we are not using one circuit per
+SFO given the overhead and unclear security benefit noted above). For
+\emph{each} such log $l$, the CTR runs the following steps: %indefinitely:
+ \item\label{ctor:enm:auditing:backoff} Sample a delay $d \gets
+ \mathsf{random}(\texttt{ct-backoff-dist})$ and wait until $d$ time units
+ elapsed.
+ \item Connect to a random watchdog CTR\@.
+ \item\label{ctor:enm:auditing:loop} For each pending buffer entry $(l',s,t)$,
+ where $l' = l$ and $t <= \mathsf{now}()$:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item\label{ctor:enm:ext:auditing:watchdog} Share $s$ with the current
+ watchdog.
+ \item\label{ctor:enm:ext:auditing:challenge} Challenge the log to prove
+ inclusion to the closest STH in the Tor
+ consensus where $t$ $\leq$
+ STH\texttt{.timestamp}. Wait
+ \texttt{ct-log-timeout} time units for the
+ complete proof before timing out.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\label{ctor:enm:ext:auditing:challenge:success} On valid
+ proof: send an acknowledgment to the watchdog, cache $s$
+ and then discard it.
+ \item\label{ctor:enm:ext:auditing:challenge:fail} On any other
+ outcome: close circuit to the watchdog CTR, discard $s$,
+ and go to step~1.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{enumerate}
+\subsection{Phase 4: Reporting}
+At any given time, a CTR may be requesting inclusion proofs from logs and act as
+a watchdog for one or more CTRs. A CTR acting as a watchdog will have at
+most one SFO held temporarily for each other CTR it is interacting with. If an
+acknowledgement from the other CTR is not received within
+\texttt{ct-watchdog-timeout}, it becomes the watchdog's responsibility to report
+the SFO such that it culminates in human review if need be.
+Because human review and publication is critical at this end-stage, we envision
+that the watchdog (which is a Tor relay that cannot persist any evidence to disk
+and may not be closely monitored by its operator) provides the SFO to an
+independent CT auditor that is run by someone that closely monitors its
+operation. When arriving at the design of the CTR being a
+role played by a Tor relay, we eschewed separate auditors because of the lack of
+automatic scaling with the Tor network, the considerable aggregation of browsing
+behavior across the Tor network, and the difficulties of curation and validation
+of trustworthy individuals. SFOs submitted to auditors at this stage have been
+filtered through the CTR layer (that additionally backs-off if the logs become
+unavailable to prevent an open pipe of SFOs from being reported), resulting in
+an exponentially smaller load and data exposure for auditors. This should allow
+for a smaller number of them to operate without needing to scale with the
+While we assume that most auditors are trusted to actually investigate the
+reported SFOs further, the watchdog needs to take precautions talking to them
+because the network is not trusted.\footnote{%
+ While our threat model, and Tor's, precludes a global network adversary,
+ both include partial control of the network.
+} The watchdog can contact the auditor immediately, but must do so over
+an independent Tor circuit.\footnote{%
+ This is also important because CTRs are not necessarily exits, i.e., the
+ exiting traffic must be destined to another Tor relay.
+} If a successful acknowledgement from the auditor is not received within
+\texttt{ct-auditor-timeout}, the SFO is buffered for a random time using
+\texttt{ct-delay-dist} before being reported to the same auditor again over a
+new independent Tor circuit.
+When an auditor receives an SFO, it should persist it to durable storage until
+it can be successfully resolved to a specific STH.\footnote{%
+ The fetched inclusion proof must be against the first known STH that
+ should have incorporated the certificate in question by using the
+ history of STHs in Tor's consensus:
+ the mis-issued certificate might have been merged into the log
+ reactively upon learning that a CTR reported the SFO, such that a valid
+ inclusion proof can be returned with regards to a more recent STH but
+ not earlier ones that actually captured the log's misbehavior.
+} Once so persisted, the auditor can begin querying the log itself asking for
+an inclusion proof. If no valid inclusion proof can be provided after some
+threshold of time, the auditor software should raise the details to a human
+operator for investigation.
+Separately, the auditor should be retrieving the current Tor consensus and
+ensuring that a consistency proof can be provided between STHs from the older
+consensus and the newer. If consistency cannot be established after some
+threshold of time, the auditor software should raise the details to a human
+operator for investigation. An auditor could also monitor a log's uptime and
+report on excessive downtime. Finally, it is paramount that the auditor
+continuously monitors its own availability from fresh Tor-circuits by submitting
+known SFOs to itself to ensure that an attacker is not keeping watchdogs from
+connecting to it.
+\subsection{Setup} \label{ctor:sec:base:consensus}
+There are a number of additional details missing to setup phases 1--4 for the
+design. Most of these details relate to the Tor consensus. Directory authorities
+influence the way in which Tor Browser and CTRs behave by voting on necessary
+parameters, such as the probability of submission of an SFO
+(\texttt{ct-submit-pr}) and the timeout used by CTRs when auditing CT logs
+(\texttt{ct-log-timeout}), as introduced earlier as part of the design. See
+Appendix~\ref{ctor:app:consensus-params} for details on these parameters and their
+values that were previously used. Next, we briefly introduce a number of
+implicitly used parts from our design that should also be part of the consensus.
+In the consensus, the existing \texttt{known-flags} item determines the
+different flags that the consensus might contain for relays. We add another
+flag named \texttt{CTR}, which indicates that a Tor relay should support
+CT-auditing as described here. A relay qualifies as a CTR if it is flagged as
+\texttt{stable} and not \texttt{exit}, to spare the relatively sparse exit
+bandwidth and only use relays that can be expected to stay online.
+Section~\ref{ctor:sec:privacy} discusses trade-offs in the assignment of the
+\texttt{CTR} flag.
+The consensus should also capture a fixed view of the CT log ecosystem by
+publishing STHs from all known logs. A CT log is known if a majority of
+directory authorities proposed a \texttt{ct-log-info} item, which contains a
+log's ID, public key, base URL, MMD, and most recent STH. Each directory
+authority proposes its own STH, and agrees to use the most recent STH as
+determined by timestamp and lexicographical order. Since CTRs verify inclusion
+with regards to SCTs that Tor Browser accepts, the CT logs recognized by Tor
+Browser must be in Tor's consensus.
+Tor's directory authorities also majority-vote on \texttt{ct-auditor} items,
+which pin base URLs and public keys of CT auditors that watchdogs contact in
+case that any log misbehavior is suspected.
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+\section{Introduction} \label{ctor:sec:introduction}
+Metrics reported by Google and Mozilla reveal that encryption on the web
+skyrocketed the past couple of years: at least 84\% of all web pages load using
+HTTPS~\cite{google-metrics,mozilla-metrics}. An HTTPS connection is initiated by
+a TLS handshake where the client's web browser requires that the web server
+presents a valid certificate to authenticate the identity of the server, e.g.,
+to make sure that the client who wants to visit \texttt{mozilla.org} is really
+connecting to Mozilla, and not, say, Google. A certificate specifies the
+cryptographic key-material for a given domain name, and it is considered valid
+if it is digitally signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) that the web browser
+It is a long-known problem that the CA trust model suffers from
+weakest-link security:
+ web browsers allow hundreds of CAs to sign arbitrary domain-name to
+ key-bindings,
+ which means that it suffices to compromise a single CA to acquire any
+ certificate~\cite{https-sok,ca-ecosystem}.
+Motivated by prominent CA compromises, such as the issuance of fraudulent
+certificates for
+ \texttt{*.google.com},
+ \texttt{*.mozilla.org} and
+ \texttt{*.torproject.org}
+by DigiNotar~\cite{diginotar}, multiple browser vendors mandated
+that certificates issued by CAs must be publicly disclosed in Certificate
+Transparency (CT) logs to be valid. The idea behind CT is that, by making all
+CA-issued certificates transparent, mis-issued ones can be detected
+\emph{after the fact}~\cite{ct/a,ct,ct/bis}. The appropriate actions can then
+be taken to keep the wider web safe, e.g., by
+ investigating the events that lead up to a particular incident,
+ removing or limiting trust in the offending CA, and
+ revoking affected certificates.
+Google Chrome and Apple's Safari currently enforce CT by augmenting the TLS
+handshake to require cryptographic proofs from the server that the presented
+certificate \emph{will appear} in CT logs that the respective web browsers
+In addition to increased encryption on the web, the ability to access it
+anonymously matured as well. Tor with its Tor Browser has millions of daily
+users~\cite{tor,mani}, and efforts are ongoing to mature the technology
+for wider use~\cite{fftor}. Tor Browser builds on-top of Mozilla's Firefox:
+ it relays traffic between the user and the web server in question by routing
+ everything through the Tor network,
+ which is composed of thousands of volunteer-run relays that are located
+ across the globe~\cite{relay-by-flag}.
+Just like attackers may wish to break security properties of HTTPS, it may also
+be of interest to break the anonymity provided by Tor. A common technique for
+deanonymization (known to be used in practice) is to compromise Tor
+Browser instead of circumventing the anonymity provided by
+Tor~\cite{lepop1,selfrando,lepop2,zerotor}. Web browsers like Firefox
+(or forks thereof) are one of the most complex software types that are widely
+used today, leading to security vulnerabilities and clear incentives for
+exploitation. For example, the exploit acquisition platform Zerodium offers up
+to \$$100,000$ for a Firefox zero-day exploit that provides remote code
+execution and local privilege escalation (i.e., full control of the
+An attacker that wishes to use such an exploit to compromise and then ultimately
+deanonymize a Tor Browser user has to deliver the exploit somehow. Since the
+web is mostly encrypted, this primarily needs to take place over an HTTPS
+connection where the attacker controls the content returned by the web server.
+While there are numerous possible ways that the attacker can accomplish this,
+e.g., by compromising a web server that a subset of Tor Browser users visit,
+another option is to \emph{impersonate} one or more web servers by acquiring
+fraudulent certificates. Due to the Tor network being run by volunteers, getting
+into a position to perform such an attack is relatively straightforward:
+ the attacker can volunteer to run malicious exit
+ relays~\cite{spoiled-onions}.
+The same is true for an attacker that wishes to man-in-the-middle connections
+made by Tor Browser users. In some cases a Tor Browser exploit may not even be
+needed for deanonymization, e.g., the attacker can observe if the user logs-on
+to a service linking an identity.
+\subsection{Introducing CTor}
+We propose an incrementally deployable and privacy-preserving design that is
+henceforth referred to as CTor. By bringing CT to Tor, HTTPS-based
+man-in-the-middle attacks against Tor Browser users can be detected \emph{after
+the fact} when conducted by attackers that:
+ \item can acquire any certificate from a trusted CA,
+ \item with the necessary cryptographic proofs from enough CT logs so that
+ Tor Browser accepts the certificate as valid without the attacker
+ making it publicly available in any of the controlled logs, and
+ \item with the ability to gain full control of Tor Browser shortly after
+ establishing an HTTPS connection.
+The first and third capabilities are motivated directly by shortcomings in the
+CA ecosystem as well as how the anonymity of Tor Browser is known to be
+attacked. The second capability assumes the same starting point as Google
+Chrome and Apple's Safari, namely, that the logs are trusted to \emph{promise}
+public logging, which is in contrast to being untrusted and thus forced to
+\emph{prove} it. This is part of the gradual CT deployment that avoided
+breakage on the web~\cite{does-ct-break-the-web}. Therefore, we start
+from the assumption that Tor Browser accepts a certificate as valid if
+accompanied by two independent promises of public logging. The limitation of
+such CT enforcement is that it is trivially bypassed by an attacker that
+controls two seemingly independent CT logs. This is not to say that trusting
+the log ecosystem would be an insignificant Tor Browser improvement when
+compared to no CT at all, but CTor takes us several steps further by relaxing
+and ultimately eliminating the trust which is currently (mis)placed in today's
+browser-recognized CT logs.
+We already observed instances of CT logs that happened to
+ violate their promises of public logging~\cite{gdca1-omission},
+ show inconsistent certificate contents to different
+ parties~\cite{izenpe-disqualified,venafi-disqualified}, and
+ get their secret signing keys compromised due to disclosed remote
+ code-execution vulnerabilities~\cite{digicert-log-compromised}.
+The first design increment uses the CT landscape against the attacker to
+ensure a non-zero (tweakable) probability of public disclosure \emph{each time}
+a fraudulent certificate is used against Tor Browser. This is done by randomly
+adding a subset of presented certificates to CT logs that the attacker may not
+control (inferred from the accompanied promises of public logging). Such
+\emph{certificate cross-logging} distributes trust across all CT logs, raising
+the bar towards unnoticed certificate mis-issuance. Motivated by factors like
+privacy, security and deployability, Tor Browser uses Tor relays as
+intermediates to cache and interact with CT logs on its behalf. Such deferred
+auditing is a fundamental part of our setting unless future distributed auditing
+mechanisms turn out to be non-interactive from the browser's perspective.
+The next incremental step is to not only cross-log certificates but also their
+promises of public logging. While it requires an additional CT log API
+endpoint, it facilitates auditing of these promises if some logs are
+trustworthy. The full design also holds logs accountable but without any such
+ Tor relays challenge the logs to prove correct operation with regards to a
+ single fixed view in Tor's consensus, and
+ potential issues are reported to auditors that investigate them further.
+\subsection{Contribution and Structure}
+Section~\ref{ctor:sec:background} introduces background on the theory and practise of
+CT, as well as the anonymity network Tor. Section~\ref{ctor:sec:adversary} motivates
+the intended attacker and presents a unified threat model for CT and Tor.
+Section~\ref{ctor:sec:base} describes the full CTor design that \emph{eliminates all
+trust in the browser-recognized CT logs} by challenging them to prove
+certificate inclusion cryptographically, and would result in a \emph{single
+probabilistically-verified view of the CT log ecosystem available from Tor's
+consensus}. This view could be used by other browsers as the basis of trust,
+\emph{greatly improving the security posture of the entire web}. The security
+analysis in Section~\ref{ctor:sec:analysis} shows that one of the best bets for the
+attacker would be to take network-wide actions against Tor to avoid public
+disclosure of certificate mis-issuance and log misbehavior. Such an attack is
+trivially detected, but it is hard to attribute unless reactive defenses are
+enabled at the cost of trade-offs.
+The full design involves many different components that add deployment burdens,
+such as the requirement of reliable CT auditors that investigate suspected log
+misbehavior further. Therefore, we additionally propose two initial increments
+that place \emph{some trust in CT logs} (Section~\ref{ctor:sec:incremental}). The
+first increment \emph{provides evidence to independent CT logs that fraudulent
+certificates were presented while preserving privacy}. This greatly impacts
+risk-averse attackers because one part of their malicious behavior becomes
+transparent \emph{if the randomly selected log operator is benign}. For
+example, the targeted domain name is disclosed as part of the cross-logged
+certificate, and awareness of the event draws unwanted attention.
+The next increment is minor from the perspective of Tor, but requires CT logs to
+support an additional API. Similar changes were proposed in the context of CT
+gossip~\cite{minimal-gossip}. If supported, Tor relays could expose both the
+mis-issued certificates and the operators that promised to log them publicly
+\emph{without the complexity of ever distinguishing between what is benign and
+This API change happens to also build auditor infrastructure
+directly into CT log software, thereby paving the path towards the missing component of
+the full design. We argue that CTor can be deployed incrementally:
+ complete Firefox's CT enforcement~\cite{ffct},
+ add our cross-logging increments, and
+ finally put the full design into operation.
+Each part of CTor would \emph{greatly contribute to the open question of how
+to reduce and/or eliminate trust in browser-recognized log operators}, which is
+caused by the lack of an appropriate gossip mechanism as well as privacy issues
+while interacting with the logs~\cite{ct-with-privacy,minimal-gossip,nordberg}.
+We show that circuit-, bandwidth- and memory-\emph{overheads are modest} by
+computing such estimates in Section~\ref{ctor:sec:performance}. Therefore, we do not
+investigate performance further in any experimental setting.
+Section~\ref{ctor:sec:privacy} discusses privacy aspects of our design choices with
+a focus on the essential role of the Tor network's distributed nature to
+preserve user privacy as well as the overall security. In gist,
+\emph{a similar approach would be privacy-invasive without Tor}, e.g., if
+adopted by Google Chrome. Section~\ref{ctor:sec:related} outlines related work.
+Section~\ref{ctor:sec:conclusion} concludes the paper.
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+\section{Performance} \label{ctor:sec:performance}
+The following analysis shows that CTor's overhead is modest based on computing
+performance estimates from concrete parameter properties and two public data
+Mani~\emph{et~al.} derived a distribution of website visits over Tor and an
+estimation of the number of circuits through the network~\cite{mani}. We use
+their results to reason about overhead as the Tor network is under heavy load,
+assuming 140~million daily website visits (the upper bound of a 95\% confidence
+interval). Our analysis also requires a distribution that captures typical SFO
+properties per website visit. Therefore, we collected an SFO data set by
+browsing the most popular webpages submitted to Reddit (r/frontpage, all time)
+on December 4, 2019. The data set contains SFOs from 8858 webpage visits, and
+it is available online as an open access artifact together with the associated
+scripts~\cite{sfo-dist}. Notably we hypothesized that browsing actual webpages
+as opposed to front-pages would yield more SFOs. When compared to Alexa's
+list it turned out to be the case:
+ our data set has roughly two additional SFOs per data point.
+This makes it less likely that our analysis is an underestimate.
+We found that an average certificate chain is 5440~bytes, and it is seldom
+accompanied by more than a few SCTs. As such, a typical SFO is in the order of
+6~KiB. No certificate chain exceeded 20~KiB, and the average number of SFOs per
+webpage was seven. The latter includes 1--2 SFOs per data point that followed
+from our client software calling home on start-up (Chromium~77).
+We assume no abnormal CTor behavior, which means that there will be little or
+no CTR back-offs due to the high uptime requirements of today's CT logs: 99\%.
+We set \texttt{ct-large-sfo-size} conservatively to avoid blocking in the TLS
+handshake (e.g., 20~KiB), and use a 10\% submission probability as well as a
+10~minute random buffer delay on average. It is likely unwarranted to use a
+higher submission probability given that the intended attacker is risk-averse.
+Shorter buffer times would leak finer-grained browsing patterns to the logs,
+while longer ones increase the attack surface in phase~2. Therefore, we
+selected an average for \texttt{ct-delay-dist} that satisfies none of the two
+extremes. The remaining CTor parameters are timeouts, which have little or no
+performance impact if set conservatively (few seconds).
+\subsection{Estimates} \label{ctor:sec:performance:estimates}
+The incremental cross-logging designs are analyzed first without any caching.
+Caching is then considered, followed by overhead that appears only in the full
+\textbf{Circuit Overhead.}
+Equation~\ref{ctor:eq:sub-oh} shows the expected circuit overhead from Tor Browser
+over time, where $p$ is the submit probability and $\bar{d}$ the average number
+of SFOs per website visit. The involved overhead is linear as either of the two
+parameters are tuned up or down.
+\begin{equation} \label{ctor:eq:sub-oh}
+ p\bar{d}
+Using $p\gets\frac{1}{10}$ and our approximated SFO distribution $\bar{d}\gets7$
+yields an average circuit overhead of $0.70$, i.e., for every three Tor Browser
+circuits CTor adds another two. Such an increase might sound
+daunting at first,\footnote{%
+ Circuit establishment involves queueing of onionskins~\cite{onionskins} and
+ it is a likely bottleneck, but since the introduction of ntor it is not a
+ scarce resource so such overhead is acceptable if it (i) serves a purpose,
+ and (ii) can be tuned. Confirmed by Tor developers.
+} but these additional circuits are short-lived and light-weight; transporting
+6~KiB on average. Each CTR also maintains a long-lived circuit for CT log
+\textbf{Bandwidth Overhead.} Equation~\ref{ctor:eq:bw} shows the expected
+bandwidth overhead for the Tor network over time, where
+ $V$ is the number of website visits per time unit,
+ $p$ the submit probability,
+ $\bar{d}$ the average number of SFOs per website visit, and
+ $\bar{s}$ the average SFO byte-size.
+\begin{equation} \label{ctor:eq:bw}
+ 6Vp\bar{d}\bar{s}
+$Vp\bar{d}$ is the average number of SFO submissions per time unit, which can be
+converted to bandwidth by weighting each submission with the size of
+a typical SFO and accounting for it being relayed six times:
+ three hops from Tor Browser to a CTR, then
+ another three hops from the CTR to a CT log
+ (we assumed symmetric Tor relay bandwidth).
+ $V\gets 140\textrm{~M/day}$,
+ $p \gets \frac{1}{10}$,
+ $\bar{d} \gets 7$,
+ $\bar{s} \gets 6\textrm{~KiB}$
+and converting the result to bps yields 334.5~Mbps in total. Such order of
+overhead is small when compared to Tor's capacity:
+\textbf{Memory Overhead.}
+Equation~\ref{ctor:eq:memory} shows the expected buffering overhead, where
+ $V_m$ is the number of website visits per minute,
+ $t$ the average buffer time in minutes,
+ $R$ the number of Tor relays that qualify as CTRs, and
+ $\bar{s}$ the typical SFO size in bytes.
+\begin{equation} \label{ctor:eq:memory}
+ \frac{V_mt}{R} \bar{s}
+$V_mt$ represent incoming SFO submissions during the average buffer time, which
+are randomly distributed across $R$ CTRs. Combined, this yields the expected
+number of SFOs that await at a single CTR in phase~2, and by taking the
+byte-size of these SFOs into account we get an estimate of the resulting memory
+overhead. Using
+ $V_m \gets \frac{140\textrm{~M}}{24\cdot60}$,
+ $t \gets 10$~m,
+ $R \gets 4000$ based on the CTR criteria in
+ Section~\ref{ctor:sec:base:consensus}, and
+ $\bar{s} \gets 6\textrm{~KiB}$
+yields 1.42~MiB. Such order of overhead is small when compared to the
+recommended relay configuration:
+ at least 512~MiB~\cite{relay-config}.
+A cache of processed SFOs reduces the CTR's buffering memory and log
+interactions proportionally to the cache hit ratio. Mani~\emph{et al.} showed
+that if the overrepresented \texttt{torproject.org} is removed, about one third
+of all website visits over Tor can be attributed to Alexa's top-1k and another
+one third to the top-1M~\cite{mani}.
+Assuming 32~byte cryptographic hashes and seven SFOs per website visit, a cache
+hit ratio of $\frac{1}{3}$ could be achieved by a 256~KiB LFU/LRU cache that
+eventually captures Alexa's top-1k. Given that the cache requires memory as
+well, this is mainly a bandwidth optimization.
+\textbf{Full Design.}
+For each CTR and CT log pair, there is an additional watchdog circuit that
+transports the full SFO upfront before fetching an inclusion proof. The
+expected bandwidth overhead is at most $9Vp\bar{d}\bar{s}$, i.e., now
+also accounting for the three additional hops that an SFO is subject to. In
+practise the overhead is slightly less, because an inclusion query and its
+returned proof is smaller than an SFO. We expect little or no
+watchdog-to-auditor overhead if the logs are available, and otherwise one
+light-weight circuit that reports a single SFO for each CTR that goes into
+back-off. Such overhead is small when compared to all Tor Browser submissions.
+Finally, the required memory increases because newly issued SFOs are buffered
+for at least an MMD. Only a small portion of SFOs are newly issued, however:
+ the short-lived certificates of Let's Encrypt are valid for
+ 90~days~\cite{le}, which is in contrast to 24~hour
+ MMDs~\cite{google-log-policy}.
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+\section{Privacy} \label{ctor:sec:privacy}
+There is an inherent privacy problem in the setting due to how CT is designed
+and deployed. A browser, like Tor Browser, that wishes to validate that SFOs presented to
+it are \emph{consistent} and \emph{included} in CT logs must directly or
+indirectly interact with CT logs wrt. its observed SFOs. Without protections
+like Private Information Retrieval (PIR)~\cite{PIR} that require server-side
+support or introduction of additional parties and trust
+assumptions~\cite{kales,lueks-and-goldberg}, exposing SFOs to any party risks
+leaking (partial) information about the browsing activities of the user.
+Given the constraints of the existing CT ecosystem, CTor is made
+privacy-preserving thanks to the distributed nature of Tor with its anonymity
+properties and high-uptime relays that make up the Tor network. First, all
+communication between Tor Browser, CTRs, CT logs, and auditors are made over
+full Tor-circuits. This is a significant privacy-gain, not available, e.g., to
+browsers like Chrome that in their communications would reveal their public
+IP-address (among a number of other potentially identifying metadata). Secondly,
+the use of CTRs as intermediaries probabilistically delays the interaction with
+the CT logs---making correlating Tor Browser user browsing with CT log
+interaction harder for attackers---and safely maintains a dynamic cache of the
+most commonly already verified SFOs. While browsers like Chrome could maintain a
+cache, Tor Browser's security and privacy goals
+(Section~\ref{ctor:sec:background:tor}) prohibit such shared (persisted) dynamic
+In terms of privacy, the main limitation of CTor is that CTor continuously leaks
+to CT logs---and to a \emph{lesser extent} auditors (depending on design)---a
+fraction of certificates of websites visited using Tor Browser to those that
+operate CT logs. This provides to a CT log a partial list of websites visited
+via the Tor network over a period of time (determined by
+\texttt{ct-delay-dist}), together with some indication of distribution based on
+the number of active CTRs. It does not, however, provide even pseudonymously any
+information about which sites individual users visit, much less with which
+patterns or timing. As such it leaks significantly less information than does
+OCSP validation by Tor Browser or DNS resolution at exit-relays~\cite{TorDNS},
+both of which indicate visit activity in real time to a small number of
+Another significant limitation is that relays with the CTR flag learn real-time
+browser behavior of Tor users. Relays without the \texttt{exit} flag primarily
+only transport encrypted Tor-traffic between clients and other relays, never to
+destinations. If such relays are given the CTR flag---as we stated in the full
+design, see Section~\ref{ctor:sec:base:consensus}---then this might discourage some
+from running Tor relays unless it is possible to opt out. Another option is to
+give the CTR flag only to exit relays, but this \emph{might be} undesirable for
+overall network performance despite the modest overhead of CTor
+(Section~\ref{ctor:sec:performance}). Depending on the health of the network and the
+exact incremental deployment of CTor, there are different trade-offs.
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+ author = {Clint Wilson},
+ title = {{CT} Days 2020},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/ct-policy/c/JWVVhZTL5RM}, accessed 2020-12-15}
+ author = {{Tor Project}},
+ title = {Functions to queue create cells for processing},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://src-ref.docs.torproject.org/tor/onion__queue_8c_source.html}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {{Google LLC.}},
+ title = {Trillian Log Signer},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/google/trillian/blob/master/cmd/trillian_log_signer/main.go}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ title = {Opt-in {SCT} Auditing},
+ author = {Emily Stark and Chris Thompson},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G1Jy8LJgSqJ-B673GnTYIG4b7XRw2ZLtvvSlrqFcl4A/edit}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Sarah Meiklejohn and Pavel Kalinnikov and Cindy S. Lin and Martin Hutchinson and Gary Belvin and Mariana Raykova and Al Cutter},
+ title = {Think Global, Act Local: Gossip and Client Audits in Verifiable Data Structures},
+ journal = {CoRR},
+ volume = {abs/2011.04551},
+ year = {2020},
+ author = {Rasmus Dahlberg and Tobias Pulls and Tom Ritter and Paul Syverson},
+ title = {{SFO} Distribution Artificat},
+ year = {2020},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/rgdd/ctor/tree/master/artifact}},
+ author = {{CT policy mailing list}},
+ title = {{Certificate Transparency} Policy},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/\#!forum/ct-policy}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Adam Langley},
+ title = {No, don't enable revocation checking},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://www.imperialviolet.org/2014/04/19/revchecking.html}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Joseph Cox},
+ title = {The {FBI} Used a 'Non-Public' Vulnerability to Hack Suspects on {Tor}},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/kb7kza/the-fbi-used-a-non-public-vulnerability-to-hack-suspects-on-tor}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Kashmir Hill},
+ title = {How Did The {FBI} Break {Tor}?},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2014/11/07/how-did-law-enforcement-break-tor/#6cf2ed594bf7}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {{U.S. Dept. of Justice}},
+ title = {More Than 400 .Onion Addresses, Including Dozens of ‘Dark Market’ Sites, Targeted as Part of Global Enforcement Action on {Tor} Network},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/more-than-400-.onion-addresses-including-dozens-of-dark-market-sites-targeted-as-part-of-global-enforcement-action-on-tor-network}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Peter Eckersley},
+ title = {A {Syrian} Man-In-The-Middle Attack against {Facebook}},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2011/05/syrian-man-middle-against-facebook}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {{Wikipedia contributors}},
+ title = {{BGP} hijacking---{Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=BGP_hijacking&oldid=964360841}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Ameet Naik},
+ title = {Anatomy of a {BGP} Hijack on {Amazon’s} Route 53 {DNS} Service},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://blog.thousandeyes.com/amazon-route-53-dns-and-bgp-hijack}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Joe Stewart},
+ title = {{BGP} Hijacking for Cryptocurrency Profit},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://www.secureworks.com/research/bgp-hijacking-for-cryptocurrency-profit}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Russell Brandom},
+ title = {Hackers emptied {Ethereum} wallets by breaking the basic infrastructure of the {Internet}},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://www.theverge.com/2018/4/24/17275982/myetherwallet-hack-bgp-dns-hijacking-stolen-ethereum}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Aftab Siddiqui},
+ title = {What Happened? {The Amazon Route 53 BGP} Hijack to Take Over {Ethereum} Cryptocurrency Wallets},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://www.internetsociety.org/blog/2018/04/amazons-route-53-bgp-hijack/}, accessed 2020-12-15}}
+ author = {Patrick Howell O'Neill},
+ title = {Telegram traffic from around the world took a detour through {Iran}},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://www.cyberscoop.com/telegram-iran-bgp-hijacking/}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {{Google LLC.}},
+ title = {Chromium {Certificate Transparency} Policy},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/chromium/ct-policy/blob/master/README.md}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {{Apple Inc.}},
+ title = {Apple's {Certificate Transparency} log program},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://support.apple.com/en-om/HT209255}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {{Tor project}},
+ title = {Advertised and consumed bandwidth by relay flag},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://metrics.torproject.org/bandwidth-flags.html}, accessed 2020-05-30},
+ author = {{Tor project}},
+ title = {Relays by relay flag},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://metrics.torproject.org/relayflags.html}, accessed 2020-05-29},
+ author = {{Tor project}},
+ title = {Relay requirements},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://community.torproject.org/relay/relays-requirements/}, accessed 2020-05-29},
+ author = {Adam Langley},
+ title = {Enhancing digital certificate security},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://security.googleblog.com/2013/01/enhancing-digital-certificate-security.html}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Mansoor Alicherry and Angelos D. Keromytis},
+ title = {{DoubleCheck}: Multi-path verification against man-in-the-middle attacks},
+ booktitle = {ISCC},
+ year = {2009},
+ author = {Linus Nordberg},
+ title = {{Tor} Consensus Transparency},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/torspec/-/blob/main/proposals/267-tor-consensus-transparency.txt}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Ryan Sleevi and Eran Messeri},
+ title = {Certificate transparency in {Chrome}: Monitoring {CT} Logs consistency},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FP5J5Sfsg0OR9P4YT0q1dM02iavhi8ix1mZlZe_z-ls/edit?pref=2&pli=1}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {{Google LLC.}},
+ title = {Minimal Gossip},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/google/trillian-examples/blob/master/gossip/minimal/README.md}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Alin Tomescu and Srinivas Devadas},
+ title = {Catena: Efficient Non-equivocation via {Bitcoin}},
+ booktitle = {IEEE S\&P},
+ year = {2017},
+ author = {Melissa Chase and Sarah Meiklejohn},
+ title = {Transparency Overlays and Applications},
+ booktitle = {CCS},
+ year = {2016},
+ author = {Daniel Kales and Olamide Omolola and Sebastian Ramacher},
+ title = {Revisiting User Privacy for {Certificate Transparency}},
+ booktitle = {IEEE EuroS\&P},
+ year = {2019},
+ author = {Wouter Lueks and Ian Goldberg},
+ title = {Sublinear Scaling for Multi-Client Private Information Retrieval},
+ booktitle = {FC},
+ year = {2015},
+ author = {Ben Laurie},
+ title = {{Certificate Transparency} over {DNS}},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/google/certificate-transparency-rfcs/blob/master/dns/draft-ct-over-dns.md}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Rasmus Dahlberg and Tobias Pulls},
+ title = {Verifiable Light-Weight Monitoring for {Certificate Transparency} Logs},
+ booktitle = {NordSec},
+ year = {2018},
+ author = {Saba Eskandarian and Eran Messeri and Joseph Bonneau and Dan Boneh},
+ title = {{Certificate Transparency} with Privacy},
+ journal = {PETS},
+ volume = {2017},
+ number = {4},
+ author = {Bingyu Li and Jingqiang Lin and Fengjun Li and Qiongxiao Wang and Qi Li and Jiwu Jing and Congli Wang},
+ title = {{Certificate Transparency} in the Wild: Exploring the Reliability of Monitors},
+ booktitle = {CCS},
+ year = {2019},
+ author = {Ewa Syta and Iulia Tamas and Dylan Visher and David Isaac Wolinsky and Philipp Jovanovic and Linus Gasser and Nicolas Gailly and Ismail Khoffi and Bryan Ford},
+ title = {Keeping Authorities "Honest or Bust" with Decentralized Witness Cosigning},
+ booktitle = {IEEE S\&P},
+ year = {2016},
+ author = {Rasmus Dahlberg and Tobias Pulls and Jonathan Vestin and Toke H{\o}iland-J{\o}rgensen and Andreas Kassler},
+ title = {Aggregation-Based {Certificate Transparency} Gossip},
+ booktitle = {SECURWARE},
+ year = {2019},
+ author = {Benjamin Dowling and Felix G{\"{u}}nther and Udyani Herath and Douglas Stebila},
+ title = {Secure Logging Schemes and {Certificate Transparency}},
+ booktitle = {ESORICS},
+ year = {2016},
+ author = {Mike Perry and Erinn Clark and Steven Murdoch and Georg Koppen},
+ title = {The Design and Implementation of the {Tor Browser [DRAFT]}},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://2019.www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser/design/}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Akshaya Mani and T. Wilson{-}Brown and Rob Jansen and Aaron Johnson and Micah Sherr},
+ title = {Understanding {Tor} Usage with Privacy-Preserving Measurement},
+ booktitle = {IMC},
+ year = {2018},
+ author = {Nikita Korzhitskii and Niklas Carlsson},
+ title = {Characterizing the Root Landscape of {Certificate Transparency} Logs},
+ booktitle = {IFIP Networking},
+ year = {2020},
+ author = {Philipp Winter and Richard K{\"{o}}wer and Martin Mulazzani and Markus Huber and Sebastian Schrittwieser and Stefan Lindskog and Edgar R. Weippl},
+ title = {Spoiled Onions: Exposing Malicious {Tor} Exit Relays},
+ booktitle = {PETS},
+ year = {2014},
+ title = {Un-incorporated {SCTs} from {GDCA1}},
+ author = {Brendan McMillion},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!topic/ct-policy/Emh3ZaU0jqI}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ title = {{CT2} Log Compromised via {Salt} Vulnerability},
+ author = {Jeremy Rowley},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!topic/ct-policy/aKNbZuJzwfM}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ title = {Upcoming {CT} Log Removal: {Izenpe}},
+ author = {Ryan Sleevi},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!topic/ct-policy/qOorKuhL1vA}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ title = {Upcoming Log Removal: {Venafi} {CT} Log Server},
+ author = {Ryan Sleevi},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!topic/ct-policy/KMAcNT3asTQ}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Emily Stark and Ryan Sleevi and Rijad Muminovic and Devon O'Brien and Eran Messeri and Adrienne Porter Felt and Brendan McMillion and Parisa Tabriz},
+ title = {Does {Certificate Transparency} Break the Web? {Measuring} Adoption and Error Rate},
+ booktitle = {IEEE S\&P},
+ year = {2019},
+ author = {Jeremy Clark and Paul C. van Oorschot},
+ title = {{SoK:} {SSL} and {HTTPS:} Revisiting Past Challenges and Evaluating Certificate Trust Model Enhancements},
+ booktitle = {IEEE S\&P},
+ year = {2013},
+ author = {Zakir Durumeric and James Kasten and Michael Bailey and J. Alex Halderman},
+ title = {Analysis of the {HTTPS} certificate ecosystem},
+ booktitle = {IMC},
+ year = {2013},
+ author = {Ben Laurie},
+ title = {Certificate transparency},
+ journal = {CACM},
+ volume = {57},
+ number = {10},
+ year = {2014},
+ author = {Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson and Paul F. Syverson},
+ title = {Tor: The Second-Generation Onion Router},
+ booktitle = {USENIX Security},
+ year = {2004},
+ author = {Joseph A.\ Salowey and Sean Turner and Christopher A.\ Wood},
+ title = {{TLS} 1.3: One Year Later},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://www.ietf.org/blog/tls13-adoption}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Emily Schechter},
+ title = {Evolving {Chrome's} Security Indicators},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://blog.chromium.org/2018/05/evolving-chromes-security-indicators.html}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Johann Hofmann},
+ title = {Improved Security and Privacy Indicators in {Firefox} 70},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://blog.mozilla.org/security/2019/10/15/improved-security-and-privacy-indicators-in-firefox-70/}, accessed 2020-12-15}
+ author = {Josh Aas and Richard Barnes and Benton Case and Zakir Durumeric and Peter Eckersley and Alan Flores{-}L{\'{o}}pez and J. Alex Halderman and Jacob Hoffman{-}Andrews and James Kasten and Eric Rescorla and Seth D. Schoen and Brad Warren},
+ title = {{Let's Encrypt}: An Automated Certificate Authority to Encrypt the Entire Web},
+ booktitle = {CCS},
+ year = {2019},
+ author = {{Google LLC}},
+ title = {{HTTPS} encryption on the web},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://transparencyreport.google.com/https/overview?hl=en}, accessed 2020-05-19},
+ author = {{Mozilla}},
+ title = {{SSL} Ratios},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://docs.telemetry.mozilla.org/datasets/other/ssl/reference.html}, accessed 2020-05-19},
+ author = {Linus Nordberg and Daniel Kahn Gillmor and Tom Ritter},
+ title = {Gossiping in {CT}},
+ number = {draft-ietf-trans-gossip-05},
+ type = {Internet-draft},
+ institution = {IETF},
+ year = {2018},
+ url = {https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-trans-gossip-05}
+ author = {Ben Laurie and Adam Langley and Emilia Kasper},
+ title = {{Certificate Transparency}},
+ number = {6962},
+ type = {RFC},
+ institution = {IETF},
+ year = {2013},
+ url = {https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6962},
+ author = {Ben Laurie and Adam Langley and Emilia Kasper and Eran Messeri and Rob Stradling},
+ title = {{Certificate Transparency} Version 2.0},
+ number = {draft-ietf-trans-rfc6962-bis-34},
+ type = {Internet-draft},
+ institution = {IETF},
+ year = {2019},
+ url = {https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-trans-rfc6962-bis-34},
+ author = {Chris Evans and Chris Palmer and Ryan Sleevi},
+ title = {Public Key Pinning Extension for {HTTP}},
+ number = {7469},
+ type = {RFC},
+ institution = {IETF},
+ year = {2015},
+ url = {https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7469},
+ author = {Laurent Chuat and Pawel Szalachowski and Adrian Perrig and Ben Laurie and Eran Messeri},
+ title = {Efficient Gossip Protocols for Verifying the Consistency of Certificate Logs},
+ booktitle = {CNS},
+ year = {2015},
+ author = {Benjamin Greschbach and Tobias Pulls and Laura M. Roberts and Philipp Winter and Nick Feamster},
+ title = {The Effect of {DNS} on {Tor's} Anonymity},
+ booktitle = {NDSS},
+ year = {2017},
+ author = {Andrei Serjantov and Roger Dingledine and Paul Syverson},
+ title = {From a Trickle to a Flood: Active Attacks on Several Mix Types},
+ booktitle = {IH},
+ year = {2002},
+ title = {{Stop-and-Go} {MIX}es: Providing Probabilistic Anonymity in an Open System},
+ author = {Dogan Kesdogan and Jan Egner and Roland B\"uschkes},
+ booktitle = {IH},
+ year = {1998},
+ author = {George Danezis and Paul Syverson},
+ title = {Bridging and Fingerprinting: Epistemic Attacks on Route Selection},
+ booktitle = {PETS},
+ year = {2008},
+ author = {Nathan S. Evans and Roger Dingledine and Christian Grothoff},
+ title = {A Practical Congestion Attack on {Tor} Using Long Paths},
+ booktitle = {USENIX Security},
+ year = {2009},
+ author = {{Tor Project}},
+ title = {Getting up to speed on {Tor's} past, present, and future},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://2019.www.torproject.org/docs/documentation.html.en}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Benny Chor and Oded Goldreich and Eyal Kushilevitz and Madhu Sudan},
+ title = {Private Information Retrieval},
+ booktitle = {FOCS},
+ year = {1995},
+ author = {Johanna Amann and Robin Sommer},
+ title = {Exploring {Tor's} Activity Through Long-Term Passive {TLS} Traffic Measurement},
+ booktitle = {PAM},
+ year = {2016},
+ author = {Steven Englehardt and Arvind Narayanan},
+ title = {Online Tracking: A 1-million-site Measurement and Analysis},
+ booktitle = {CCS},
+ year = {2016},
+ author = {J.R. Prins},
+ title = {{DigiNotar} Certificate Authority breach “Operation Black Tulip”},
+ institution = {Fox-IT},
+ year = {2011},
+ type = {Interim Report},
+ author = {{Bugzilla}},
+ title = {Implement {Certificate Transparency} support ({RFC} 6962)},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1281469}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {{Mozilla}},
+ title = {Mozilla Research Grants {2019H1}},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://mozilla-research.forms.fm/mozilla-research-grants-2019h1/forms/6510}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {{Zerodium}},
+ title = {{Tor Browser} Zero-Day Exploit Bounty (Expired)},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://zerodium.com/tor.html}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {{Zerodium}},
+ title = {Our Exploit Acquisition Program},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://zerodium.com/program.html}, accessed 2020-05-21},
+ author = {{Catalin Cimpanu}},
+ title = {Exploit vendor drops {Tor Browser} zero-day on {Twitter}},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://www.zdnet.com/article/exploit-vendor-drops-tor-browser-zero-day-on-twitter/}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {{firstwatch at sigaint.org}},
+ title = {[tor-talk] Javascript exploit},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2016-November/042639.html}, accessed 2020-12-15},
+ author = {Mauro Conti and Stephen Crane and Tommaso Frassetto and Andrei Homescu and Georg Koppen and Per Larsen and Christopher Liebchen and Mike Perry and Ahmad{-}Reza Sadeghi},
+ title = {Selfrando: Securing the {Tor Browser} against De-anonymization Exploits},
+ journal = {PETS},
+ volume = {2016},
+ number = {4},
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+\section{Related Work} \label{ctor:sec:related}
+The status quo is to consider a certificate CT compliant if it is accompanied by
+two independent SCTs~\cite{google-log-policy,apple-on-independence}. Therefore we
+proposed that Tor Browser should do the same, but unlike any other CT-enforcing
+web browser CTor also provides concrete next steps that relax the centralized
+trust which is otherwise misplaced in CT logs~\cite{%
+ gdca1-omission,%
+ digicert-log-compromised,%
+ izenpe-disqualified,%
+ venafi-disqualified%
+}. Several proposals surfaced that aim to do better with regards to omissions
+and split-views.
+% Privacy preserving inclusion proofs
+Laurie proposed that inclusion proofs could be fetched over DNS to avoid
+additional privacy leaks, i.e., a user's browsing patterns are already exposed
+to the DNS resolver but not the logs in the CT landscape~\cite{ct-over-dns}.
+CT/bis provides the option of serving stapled inclusion proofs as part of the
+TLS handshake in an extension, an OCSP response, or the certificate
+itself~\cite{ct/bis}. Lueks and Goldberg proposed that a separate database of
+inclusion proofs could be maintained that supports information-theoretic
+PIR~\cite{lueks-and-goldberg}. Kales~\emph{et~al.} improved scalability by
+reducing the size of each entry in the PIR database at the cost of transforming
+logs into multi-tier Merkle trees, and additionally showed how the upper tier
+could be expressed as a two-server computational PIR database to ensure that any
+inclusion proof can be computed privately on-the-fly~\cite{kales}.
+Nordberg~\emph{et~al.} avoid inclusion proof fetching by hanging on to presented
+SFOs, handing them back to the same origin at a later time~\cite{nordberg}. In
+contrast, CTor protects the user's privacy without any persistent browser state
+by submitting SFOs on independent Tor circuits to CTRs, which in turn add random
+noise before there is any log interaction. The use of CTRs enable caching
+similar to CT-over-DNS, but it does not put the logs in the dark like PIR could.
+% The same consistent view
+Inclusion proofs are only meaningful if everyone observes the same consistent
+STHs. One option is to configure client software with a list of entities that
+they should gossip with, e.g., CT monitors~\cite{chase}, or, browser vendors
+could push a verified view~\cite{sth-push}. Such trusted auditor relationships
+may work for some but not others~\cite{nordberg}. Chuat~\emph{et~al.} proposed
+that HTTPS clients and HTTPS servers could pool STHs and consistency proofs,
+which are gossiped on website visits~\cite{chuat}. Nordberg~\emph{et~al.}
+suggested a similar variant, reducing the risk of user tracking by pooling fewer
+and recent STHs~\cite{nordberg}. Dahlberg~\emph{et~al.} noted that such
+privacy-insensitive STHs need not be encrypted, which could enable network
+operators to use programmable data planes to provide gossip
+as-a-service~\cite{dahlberg}. Syta~\emph{et~al.} proposed an alternative to
+reactive gossip mechanisms by showing how an STH can be cosigned efficiently by
+many independent witnesses~\cite{syta}. A smaller-scale version of witness
+cosigning could be instantiated by cross-logging STHs in other CT
+logs~\cite{minimal-gossip}, or in other append-only ledgers~\cite{catena}.
+CTor's full design (Section~\ref{ctor:sec:base}) ensures that anyone connected to the
+Tor network is on the same view by making STHs public in the Tor consensus. In
+contrast, the first incremental design (Section~\ref{ctor:sec:incremental}) is not
+concerned with catching log misbehavior, while the second incremental design
+(also Section~\ref{ctor:sec:incremental}) exposes misbehaving logs \emph{without}
+first trying to fetch inclusion proofs.
+% Other work that is closely related to our approach
+Nordberg proposed that Tor clients could enforce public logging of consensus
+documents and votes~\cite{consensus-transparency}. Such an initiative is mostly
+orthogonal to CTor, as it strengthens the assumption of a secure Tor consensus
+by enabling detection of compromised signing keys rather than mis-issued TLS
+certificates. Winter~\emph{et~al.} proposed that Tor Browser could check
+self-signed TLS certificates for exact matches on independent Tor
+circuits~\cite{spoiled-onions}. Alicherry~\emph{et~al.} proposed that any web
+browser could double-check TLS certificates on first encounter using alternative
+paths and Tor, again, looking for certificate mismatches and generating warnings
+of possible man-in-the-middle attacks~\cite{doublecheck}. The submission phase
+in CTor is similar to double-checking, except that there are normally no TLS
+handshake blocking, browser warnings, or strict assumptions regarding the
+attacker's location.
+% Parallel to our work
+In parallel Stark and Thompson proposed that Chrome could submit a random subset
+of encountered SCTs to a trusted auditor that Google runs~\cite{stark}. CTor
+also propagates a random subset of SCTs to a trusted auditor, but does so while
+preserving privacy because of and how Tor is used. Meiklejohn additionally
+proposed witness cosigning on-top of consistent STHs~\cite{meiklejohn}. CTor
+adds signatures on-top of STHs too, but only as part of the Tor consensus that
+directory authorities sign.