path: root/summary/src/lwm
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@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ sibling distance=32pt,
+ -latex,
+ apnode/.style = {
+ draw=black,
+ dashed,
+ },
+ ap/.style = {
+ draw=black,
+ dashed,
+ },
+ \Tree [
+ .$r\gets\hash(h_{ab}\concat h_{cd})$ [
+ .\node[apnode]{$h_{ab}\gets\hash(h_a\concat h_b)$}; [
+ .$h_a\gets\hash(a)$
+ ] [
+ .$h_b\gets\hash(b)$
+ ]
+ ] \edge[ap]; [
+ .$h_{cd}\gets\hash(h_c\concat h_d)$ [
+ .\node[apnode]{$h_c\gets\hash(c)$};
+ ] \edge[ap]; [
+ .$h_d\gets\hash(d)$
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
diff --git a/summary/src/lwm/img/overview.tex b/summary/src/lwm/img/overview.tex
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+++ b/summary/src/lwm/img/overview.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ -latex,
+ rrs/.style = {
+ draw = gray!30,
+ thick,
+ rounded rectangle,
+ fill = white,
+ minimum width = 2cm,
+ minimum height = 0.7cm,
+ font = \fontsize{10}{10}\selectfont,
+ text = white,
+ },
+ ls/.style = {
+ font=\fontsize{9}{8}\selectfont,
+ },
+\draw (0, 1) node[rrs, fill=rgddTeal] (Log) {Log};
+\draw (0, -1) node[rrs, fill=rgddLime] (Subject) {Subject};
+\draw (3.5, 0) node[rrs, fill=rgddPurple] (Endpoint) {Notifier};
+\draw (-3.5, 0) node[rrs, fill=rgddRed] (Monitor) {Monitor};
+\path [draw, ->, rounded corners]
+ (Log.north) |-
+ ($ (Log.north) + (Log.west) - (Log) + (-0.25, 0.25) $)
+ node[ls, above, pos=0.75]{
+ STH with snapshot extension
+ } |-
+ (Log.west);
+\path [draw, ->, rounded corners]
+ (Monitor.south) |-
+ ($ (Monitor.south) + (Monitor.west) - (Monitor) + (-0.25, -0.25) $)
+ node[ls, below, pos=0.75]{
+ verify STH extension
+ } |-
+ (Monitor.west);
+\path [draw, ->, rounded corners]
+ (Subject.south) |-
+ ($ (Subject.south) + (Subject.east) - (Subject) + (0.25, -0.25) $)
+ node[ls, below, pos=0.75]{
+ verify notification
+ } |-
+ (Subject.east);
+\path [draw, <-, dashed, rounded corners]
+ (Endpoint.north) |-
+ ($ (Endpoint.east) + (Endpoint.north) - (Endpoint) + (0.25, 0.25) $)
+ node[ls, above, pos=0.75]{
+ optional verify
+ } |-
+ (Endpoint.east);
+\draw [->]
+ (Log.south east) --
+ node[ls, sloped, anchor=center, above]{%
+ batch, STH
+ }
+ (Endpoint.north west);
+\draw [->]
+ (Endpoint.south west) --
+ node[ls, sloped, anchor=center, above]{%
+ notification
+ }
+ (Subject.north east);
+\path [draw, ->]
+ (Log.south west) --
+ node[ls, sloped, pos=.59, above]{%
+ batch, STH
+ }
+ (Monitor.north east);
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+++ b/summary/src/lwm/img/wildcard.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ sibling distance=6pt,
+ level distance=100pt,
+ -latex,
+ grow=left,
+ \Tree [
+ .$r\gets\hash(h_{01}\concat h_{23})$ [
+ .$h_{01}\gets\hash(h_0\concat h_1)$ [
+ .$h_0\gets\hash(\mathsf{gro.elpmaxe})$
+ ] [
+ .$h_1\gets\hash(\mathsf{moc.elpmaxe})$
+ ]
+ ] [
+ .$h_{23}\gets\hash(h_2\concat h_3)$ [
+ .$h_2\gets\hash(\mathsf{moc.elpmaxe.bus})$
+ ] [
+ .$h_3\gets\hash(\mathsf{ten.elpmaxe})$
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
diff --git a/summary/src/lwm/main.tex b/summary/src/lwm/main.tex
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+++ b/summary/src/lwm/main.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ author={%
+ \textbf{Rasmus Dahlberg} and Tobias Pulls
+ },
+ title={%
+ Verifiable Light-Weight Monitoring for Certificate Transparency Logs
+ },
+ reference={%
+ NordSec (2018)
+ },
+ summary={%
+ An often overlooked part of Certificate Transparency is that domain owners
+ are expected to inspect the logs for mis-issued certificates continuously.
+ The cost and required expertise to do so have led to the emergence of
+ third-party monitoring services that notify domain owners of newly issued
+ certificates that they subscribe to. For example, one may subscribe to
+ email notifications whenever a certificate is issued for
+ \texttt{*.example.com}. One downside of such third-party monitoring is
+ that these notification services become trusted parties with little or no
+ accountability with regard to omitted certificate notifications. We show
+ how to add this accountability and tie it to the gossip-audit model
+ employed by the Certificate Transparency ecosystem by proposing
+ verifiable light-weight monitoring. The idea is for logs to batch
+ appended certificates into an additional data structure that
+ supports \emph{wild-card (non-)membership proofs}. As a result,
+ third-party monitors can prove cryptographically that they did not omit
+ any certificate notifications selectively. Our experimental performance
+ evaluation shows that overhead can be tuned to be small for all involved
+ parts.
+ },
+ participation={\vspace{-0.75cm}
+ I had the initial idea and conducted most of the work myself. Tobias
+ mainly contributed with discussions that lead to the final design.
+ },
+ label={
+ paper:lwm
+ },
+ \maketitle
+ \begin{abstract}
+ \input{src/lwm/src/abstract}
+ \end{abstract}
+ \input{src/lwm/src/introduction}
+ \input{src/lwm/src/background}
+ \input{src/lwm/src/lwm}
+ \input{src/lwm/src/evaluation}
+ \input{src/lwm/src/conclusion}
+ \input{src/lwm/src/acknowledgments}
+ \bibliographystyle{plain}
+ \bibliography{src/lwm/src/references}
diff --git a/summary/src/lwm/src/abstract.tex b/summary/src/lwm/src/abstract.tex
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+++ b/summary/src/lwm/src/abstract.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Trust in publicly verifiable Certificate Transparency (CT) logs is reduced
+ cryptography,
+ gossip,
+ auditing, and
+ monitoring.
+The role of a monitor is to observe each and every log entry, looking for
+suspicious certificates that interest the entity running the monitor.
+While anyone can run a monitor, it requires
+ continuous operation and
+ copies of the logs to be inspected.
+This has lead to the emergence of monitoring as-a-service:
+ a trusted third-party runs the monitor and provides registered subjects with
+ selective certificate notifications.
+We present a CT/bis extension for verifiable \emph{light-weight monitoring} that
+enables subjects to verify the correctness of such certificate notifications,
+making it easier to distribute and reduce the trust which is otherwise placed in
+these monitors. Our extension
+supports verifiable monitoring of wild-card domains and piggybacks on CT's
+existing gossip-audit security model.
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+++ b/summary/src/lwm/src/acknowledgments.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+We would like to thank Linus Nordberg for valuable feedback. This research was
+funded by the Swedish Knowledge Foundation as part of the HITS research profile.
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@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+\section{Background} \label{lwm:sec:background}
+Suppose that a trusted content provider would like to outsource its operation to
+an untrusted third-party. This is often referred to as the three-party setting,
+in which a trusted source maintains an authenticated data structure through a
+responder that answers client queries on the source's behalf~\cite{ads}.
+The data structure is authenticated in the sense that every answer is
+accompanied by a cryptographic proof that can be verified for correctness by
+only trusting the source.
+While there are many settings and flavors of authenticated data
+structures~\cite{history-tree,pad,accumulator}, our scope is narrowed down to CT
+which builds upon Merkle trees.
+\subsection{Merkle Trees} \label{lwm:sec:background:mt}
+The seminal work by Merkle~\cite{mt} proposed a \emph{static} binary tree where
+each leaf stores the hash of a value and every interior node hashes its children
+ (Figure~\ref{lwm:fig:mt}).
+The root hash serves as a succinct snapshot of the tree's structure and content,
+and by revealing a logarithmic number of hashes it can be reconstructed to prove
+whether a value is stored in a leaf. These hashes compose an audit path for
+a value, and it is obtained by taking every sibling hash while traversing the
+tree from the root down towards the leaf being authenticated. An audit path is
+verified by reversing the traversal used during generation, first reconstructing
+the leaf hash and then every interior node recursively
+ (using the provided sibling hashes)
+until finally reaching the root. Given a collision resistant hash function,
+an audit path proves that a given leaf contains a value iff the reconstructed
+root hash is known to be authentic. For example, the trusted source might sign
+ \centering
+ \input{src/lwm/img/mt.tex}
+ \caption{%
+ Merkle tree containing four values $a$--$d$. The dashed arrows show the
+ traversal used to generate an audit path for the right-most leaf (dashed
+ nodes).
+ }
+ \label{lwm:fig:mt}
+While non-membership of a value can be proven by providing the entire data
+structure, this is generally too inefficient since it requires linear space and
+time. A better approach is to structure the tree such that the node which should
+contain a value is known if it exists. This property is often discussed in
+relation to certificate revocation:
+ as opposed to downloading a list of serial numbers that represent the set of
+ revoked certificates,
+ each leaf in a static Merkle tree could (for example) contain an interval
+ $[a, b)$ where $a$ is revoked and the open interval $(a,b)$
+ current~\cite{crt}.
+Given a serial number $x$, an audit path can be generated in logarithmic space
+and time for the leaf where $x \in [a,b)$ to prove (non-)membership. Similar
+constructions that are \emph{dynamic} support updates more
+\subsection{Certificate Transparency} \label{lwm:sec:bac:ct}
+The CA ecosystem involves hundreds of trusted third-parties that issue TLS
+certificates~\cite{ca-ecosystem}. Once in a while \emph{somebody} gets this process
+wrong, and as a result a fraudulent identity-to-key binding may be issued for
+\emph{any} subject~\cite{enisa}.
+It is important to detect such incidents because mis-issued certificates can
+be used to intercept TLS connections. However, detection is hard unless the
+subjects \emph{who can distinguish between anything benign and fraudulent}
+get a concise view of the certificates that are being served to the clients.
+By requiring that every CA-issued certificate must be disclosed in a public
+and append-only log, CT layers on-top of the error-prone CA ecosystem to provide
+such a view:
+ in theory anyone can inspect a log and determine for herself if a certificate
+ is mis-issued~\cite{ct}.
+It would be counter-intuitive to `solve' blind trust in CAs by suggesting that
+everybody should trust a log. Therefore, CT is designed such that the log can
+be distrusted based on two components:
+ a dynamic append-only Merkle tree that supports verifiable membership and
+ consistency queries~\cite{history-tree}, as well as
+ a gossip protocol that detects split-views~\cite{sthnp,ietf-gossip}.
+We already introduced the principles of membership proofs in
+Section~\ref{lwm:sec:background:mt}, and consistency proofs are similar in that
+a logarithmic number of hashes are revealed to prove two snapshots consistent.
+In other words, anyone can verify that a certificate is included in the log
+without fully downloading it, and whatever was in the log before still remains
+unmodified. Unlike the three-party setting, gossip is needed because there is no
+trusted source that signs-off the authenticated data structure:
+ consistency and inclusion proofs have limited value if everybody observes
+ different (but valid) versions of the log.
+\subsubsection*{Terminology, Policy Parameters, and Status Quo}
+A new STH---recall that this is short for Signed Tree Head---is issued by the
+log at least every Maximum Merge Delay (MMD) and no faster than allowed by an
+STH frequency~\cite{ct/bis}. An MMD is the
+longest time until a certificate must be included in the log after promising to
+include it. This promise is referred to as a Signed Certificate Timestamp (SCT).
+An STH frequency is relative to the MMD, and limits the number of STHs that can
+be issued. These parameters (among others) are defined in a log's policy, and if
+a violation is detected there are non-repudiable proofs of log misbehavior that
+can be presented. For example, show
+ an SCT that is not included after an MMD,
+ too many STHs during the period of an MMD, or
+ two STHs that are part of two inconsistent versions of the log.
+In other words, rather than being a trusted source a log signs statements to be
+held accountable.
+Ideally we would have all of these components in place at once: anyone that
+interacts with a log audits it for correctness based on partial information
+ (SCTs, STHs, served certificates, and proofs),
+subjects monitor the logs for newly included certificates to check that they are
+free from mis-issuance (full download), and a gossip protocol detects or deters
+logs from presenting split-views. This is not the case in practice, mainly
+because CT is being deployed incrementally~\cite{sth-push}
+but also because the cost and complexity of self-monitoring is relatively high.
+For example,
+a subject that wants rapid detection of mis-issuance needs continuous operation
+and full downloads of the logs. It appears that the barrier towards self-%
+monitoring have lead to the emergence of monitoring as-a-service, where a
+trusted third-party monitors the logs on a subject's behalf by selectively
+notifying her of relevant certificates, e.g., mail the operator of
+$\mathsf{example.com}$ if $\mathsf{*.example.com}$ certificates are ever found.
+Third-party monitoring is convenient for logs too because it reduces the
+bandwidth required to serve many subjects. However, for CT it is an unintuitive
+concept given that it requires blind trust.
diff --git a/summary/src/lwm/src/conclusion.tex b/summary/src/lwm/src/conclusion.tex
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index 0000000..e071935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/summary/src/lwm/src/conclusion.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+\section{Conclusion} \label{lwm:sec:conclusion}
+We proposed a backwards-compatible CT/bis extension that enables light-weight
+monitoring (in short LWM). At the cost of a few hundred Kb per day, a subject
+can either self-monitor or subscribe to verifiable certificate notifications for
+a dozen of logs via an untrusted notifier. The security of LWM piggybacks on the
+gossip-audit model of CT, and it relies only on the existence of at least one
+honest monitor that verifies our extension. The cost of a compliant log is
+overhead during the tree head construction, and this overhead is insignificant
+in comparison to a log's STH frequency. A notifier can generate verifiable
+certificate notifications---even for wild-card queries for all domains under a
+top-level domain---in the order of milliseconds on a single core. Given an
+STH frequency of one hour and 288~M LWM subjects, the incurred bandwidth
+overhead is roughly 640~Mbps for proofs. As such, a log could easily be its
+own notifier on a 1~Gbps connection. Further, any willing third-party could
+notify for a dozen of logs on a 10~Gbps connection.
diff --git a/summary/src/lwm/src/evaluation.tex b/summary/src/lwm/src/evaluation.tex
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index 0000000..d9d508d
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+++ b/summary/src/lwm/src/evaluation.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+\section{Evaluation} \label{lwm:sec:evaluation}
+First we discuss assumptions and sketch on relevant security properties for LWM.
+Next, we examine performance properties of our open-source proof-of-concept
+implementation experimentally and reason about bandwidth overhead in theory.
+Finally, we present differences and similarities between LWM and related work.
+\subsection{Assumptions and Security Notions} \label{lwm:sec:eval:security}
+The primary threat is a computationally bound attacker that attempts to forge or omit a
+certificate notification without being detected.
+We rely on standard cryptographic assumptions, namely an unforgeable digital
+signature scheme and a collision resistant hash function $\hash$ with
+$2\secpar$-bit output for a security parameter~$\secpar$.
+The former means that an LWM snapshot must originate from the (untrusted) log in
+question. While an incorrect snapshot could be created intentionally to hide a
+mis-issued certificate, it would be detected if at least one honest monitor
+exists because our STH extension piggybacks on the gossip-audit model of CT
+(that we assume is secure).\footnote{%
+ Suppose that witness cosigning is used~\cite{cosi}. Then we rely on at least
+ one witness to verify our extension. Or, suppose that STH pollination is
+ used~\cite{ietf-gossip}. Then we rely on the most recent window of STHs to
+ reach a monitor that verifies our extension.
+A subject can further detect missing notifications by checking the STH index for
+monotonic increases and the STH timestamp for freshness. Thus, given secure
+audit paths and correct verification checks as described in
+Section~\ref{lwm:sec:lwm:wildcard}, no certificate notification can be forged or
+omitted. Our cryptographic assumptions ensure that every leaf is fixed by a
+secure audit path as in CT, i.e., a leaf hash with value $v$ is encoded as
+$\hash(0x00 \concat v$) and an interior hash with children $L,R$ as
+$\hash(0x01 \concat L \concat R)$~\cite{history-tree,ct}. To exclude any
+unnecessary data on the ends of a range, the value $v$ is a subject name
+concatenated with a hashed list of associated certificates in LWM (subject
+names suffice to verify $\Omega$~order).
+CT makes no attempt to offer security in the multi-instance setting~\cite{katz}.
+Here, an attacker that targets many different Merkle trees in parallel should
+gain no advantage while trying to forge \emph{any} valid (non-)membership
+proof. By design there will be many different wild-card Merkle trees in LWM, and
+so the (strictly stronger) multi-instance setting is reasonable. We can
+provide full bit-security in this setting by ensuring that no node's pre-image
+is valid across different trees by incorporating a unique tree-wide
+constant $c_t$ in leaf and empty hashes \emph{per batch}, e.g.,
+$c_t \sample \set{0,1}^\secpar$. Melera \emph{et~al.}~\cite{coniks}
+describe this in detail while also ensuring that no node's pre-image is valid
+across different locations within a Merkle tree.
+In an ecosystem where CT is being deployed incrementally without gossip, the
+benefit of LWM is that a subject who subscribes for certificate notifications
+can trust the log only (as opposed to \emph{also} trusting the notifier).
+Therefore, today's trust in third-party monitoring services can be reduced
+significantly. A log must also present a split-view or an invalid snapshot to
+deceive a subject with false notifications. As such, subjects accumulate binding
+evidence of log misbehavior that can be audited sometime in the future if
+suspicion towards a log is raised. Long-term the benefit of LWM is that it is
+easier to distribute the trust which is placed in third-party monitors, i.e.,
+anyone who processes a (small in comparison to the entire log) batch of
+certificates can full-audit it without being a notifier.
+\subsection{Implementation and Performance} \label{lwm:sec:eval:perf}
+We implemented multi-instance secure LWM in less than 400 lines of
+Our wild-card structure uses an existing implementation of a radix tree to find
+leaf indices and data. To minimize proof-generation times, all hashes are
+cached in an in-memory Merkle tree which uses SHA-256. We benchmarked snapshot
+creation, proof generation, and proof verification times on a single core as the
+batch size increases from 1024--689,245~certificates using
+ Go's built-in benchmarking tool,
+ an Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz, and
+ 2x8 Gb DDR3 RAM.
+We assumed real subject names from Alexa's top-1M~\cite{alexa}. and
+average-sized certificates of 1500~bytes~\cite{cert-size}, where a batch of $n$
+subject names refers to the $n$ most popular domains. Notably 689,245
+certificates is the largest batch observed by us in Google's Icarus log between
+2017-01-25 and 2018-08-05, corresponding to an STH interarrival time of
+27.1~hours. The median (average) batch size and STH interarrival time were 22818
+(23751) certificates and 60.1 (61.6) minutes. Only two batches were larger than
+132077 certificates. Considering that Icarus is one of the logs that see largest
+loads~\cite{log-growth}, we can make non-optimistic conclusions regarding the
+performance overhead of LWM without inspecting other logs.
+Figure~\ref{lwm:fig:snapshot} shows snapshot creation time as a function of batch
+size. Nearby the median ($2^{15}$) it takes 0.39~seconds to create a
+snapshot from scratch, initializing state from an unordered dictionary and
+caching all hashes for the first time. For the largest batch, the snapshot
+creation time is roughly 10 seconds. Arguably this overhead is still
+insignificant for logs, monitors, and notifiers because the associated STH
+interarrival times are orders of magnitude larger.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=.9\columnwidth]{src/lwm/img/snapshot.pdf}
+ \caption{%
+ Snapshot creation time as a function of batch size.
+ }
+ \label{lwm:fig:snapshot}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=.9\columnwidth]{src/lwm/img/proofgen.pdf}
+ \caption{%
+ Membership and non-membership proof query time as a function of batch
+ size for a single and no match, respectively.
+ }
+ \label{lwm:fig:proofgen}
+Figure~\ref{lwm:fig:proofgen} shows proof generation time as a function of batch size
+while querying for the longest wild-card prefix with a single match
+(membership), as well as another wild-card prefix without any match in com's
+top-level domain (non-membership).
+There is little or no difference between the generation time for these types
+of wild-card proofs, and nearby the median it takes
+around 7~$\mu s$. For the largest batch, this increased to $12.5$~$\mu s$.
+A notifier can thus generate 288 million non-membership
+notifications per hour \emph{on a single core}. Verification is also in the
+order of $\mu s$, which should be negligible for a subject
+(see Figure~\ref{lwm:fig:proofvf}).
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=.9\columnwidth]{src/lwm/img/proofvf.pdf}
+ \caption{%
+ Membership and non-membership verification time as a function of batch
+ size for a single and no match, respectively.
+ }
+ \label{lwm:fig:proofvf}
+To evaluate the cost of generating and verifying a wild-card notification with
+a large number of matches, we queried for com's entire top-level domain
+ (see Figure~\ref{lwm:fig:proofcom}).
+In the largest batch where there are 352,383 matches, the proof
+generation time is still relatively low: 134~ms. This corresponds to 28.9k
+notifications per hour on a single core. The verification time is much larger:
+3.5~seconds. This is expected since verification involves reconstructing the
+root from all the matching leaves, which is at least as costly as creating a
+snapshot of the same size
+ (cf.\ $2^{18}$ in Figure~\ref{lwm:fig:snapshot}).
+While these are relevant performance numbers, anyone who is interested in a
+top-level domain would likely just download the entire batch.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=.9\columnwidth]{src/lwm/img/proofcom.pdf}
+ \caption{%
+ Membership query and verification time for $\mathsf{*.com}$.
+ }
+ \label{lwm:fig:proofcom}
+Finally, the space \emph{overhead} of a verifiable wild-card notification is
+dominated by the two audit paths that enclose the matching subject names. Given
+that an audit path contains at most $\ceil{\log_2 n}$ sibling hashes for a batch
+of size $n$, the median overhead is roughly one Kb per STH, log, and LWM
+subject. Viewed from the perspective of a self-monitor, this is a significant
+bandwidth improvement:
+ as opposed to downloading the median batch of 32.6~Mb,
+ one Kb and any matching certificate(s) suffice.
+In the case of multiple logs, the bandwidth improvement is even greater. For
+the notifier we already established that it is relatively cheap to generate new
+notifications. Namely, in the single-core case of 288~M notifications per hour
+the bandwidth overhead would be 640~Mbs (i.e., all proofs must be distributed
+before the next STH is issued). A notifier can thus notify for a dozen of logs
+and a significant amount of LWM subjects without running into any CPU or
+bandwidth restrictions. Notably this is under the assumption of a sound STH
+frequency---one hour in our evaluation, as used by Icarus and many other logs.
+\subsection{Related Work} \label{lwm:sec:eval:related}
+Earlier work related to transparent certificate and key management often use
+dynamic authenticated dictionaries~\cite{pad,accumulator,vds,aki}.
+CONIKS maps a user's mail address to her public key in a binary Merkle prefix
+tree, and after each update a client self-monitors her own key-binding by
+fetching an exact-match (non-)membership proof~\cite{coniks}. While our work
+is conceptually similar to CONIKS since a subject receives one (non-)membership
+proof per log update, the main difference is that LWM builds a new Merkle tree
+for each update in which wild-card queries are supported. This idea is
+inapplicable for CONIKS because a user is potentially interested in the public
+key of any mail address (hence the ability to query the entire data structure
+on an exact-match).
+CONIKS is similarly inapplicable for self-monitors in CT because a subject cares
+about \emph{wild-card queries} and \emph{new certificates}.
+Without the need for wild-cards, any authenticated dictionary could be used as
+a batch building block to instantiate LWM.
+While a radix tree viewed as a Merkle tree could support efficient wild-card
+proofs~\cite{patricia}, it is more complex than necessary. Therefore, we built
+upon the work of Kocher~\cite{crt} and Nuckolls~\cite{range-mt} with a twist on
+how to group the data for a new use-case: LWM.
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+Certificate Transparency (CT)~\cite{ct} is an experimental standard that
+enhances the public-key infrastructure by adding transparency for certificates
+that are issued by Certificate Authorities (CAs). The idea is to mandate
+that every certificate must be publicly logged in an append-only tamper-evident
+data structure~\cite{history-tree}, such that anyone can observe what has been
+issued for whom. This means that a subject can determine for herself if anything
+is mis-issued by downloading all certificates; so called \emph{self-monitoring}.
+An alternative monitoring approach is to rely on a trusted third-party that
+\emph{notifies} the subject if relevant certificates are ever found. Given that
+self-monitoring involves set-up, continuous operation, and exhaustive
+communication effort, the concept of subscribing for monitoring
+\emph{as-a-service} is simpler for the subject. This model is already prevalent
+in the wild, and is provided both by CAs and industry vendors---see for example
+SSLMate's Cert Spotter~\cite{certspotter} or Facebook's monitoring
+tool~\cite{fbmon}. Third-party monitors can also offer related services, such
+as searching for certificates interactively or inspecting other log properties.
+The former is provided by Facebook and Comodo's \texttt{crt.sh}; the latter by
+Graham Edgecombe's CT monitoring tool~\cite{grahmon}.
+It would be an unfortunate short-coming if CT did not change the status quo of
+centralized trust by forcing subjects who cannot operate a self-monitor to trust
+certificate notifications that are provided by a third-party monitor. While it
+is true that a subject could subscribe to a large number of monitors to reduce
+this trust, it is overall cumbersome and does not scale well beyond a handful
+of notifying monitors (should they exist). To this end, we suggest a CT/bis
+extension for verifiable Light-Weight Monitoring (LWM) that makes it easier to
+distribute the trust which is otherwise placed in these monitors by decoupling
+the notifier from the full-audit function of inspecting all certificates. Our
+idea is best described in terms of a self-monitor that polls for new updates,
+but as opposed to processing all certificates we can filter on wild-card
+prefixes such as \texttt{*.example.com} in a verifiable manner.
+LWM relies on the ability to define a new Signed Tree Head (STH) extension, and
+thus a CT/bis compliant log is necessary~\cite{ct/bis}. At the time of writing
+CT/bis have yet to be published as an IETF standard. We are not aware of any log
+that deploys a drafted version.
+As a brief overview, each batch of newly included certificates are grouped as a
+static Merkle tree in LWM. The resulting snapshot (also know as a fingerprint or
+a root hash) is then incorporated into the corresponding STH as an extension.
+An LWM subject receives one verifiable certificate notification per log update
+from an untrusted \emph{notifier}
+ (who could be the log, a monitor, or anyone else),
+and this notification is based on the smaller static Merkle tree rather than the
+complete log. This is because monitoring as-a-service is mainly about
+identifying newly included certificates. Moreover, we can order each static
+Merkle tree so that verifiable wild-card filtering is possible. For security we
+rely on at least one entity to verify that each snapshot is correct---which is
+a general monitoring function that is independent of the subjects using LWM---as
+well as a gossip protocol that detects split-views~\cite{sthnp}. Since our
+extension is part of an STH, we piggyback on any gossip-like protocol that deals
+with the exchange and/or distribution of (verified)
+STHs~\cite{ctga,ietf-gossip,sth-push,cosi}. Our contributions are as follows:
+ \item The design of a backwards-compatible CT/bis extension for light-weight
+ monitoring of wild-card prefixes such as \texttt{*.example.com}
+ (Section~\ref{lwm:sec:lwm}).
+ \item A security sketch showing that an attacker cannot omit a certificate
+ notification without being detected, relying on standard cryptographic
+ assumptions and piggybacking on the proposed gossip-audit models of CT
+ (Section~\ref{lwm:sec:eval:security}).
+ \item An open-source proof-of-concept implementation written in Go, as well
+ as a performance evaluation that considers computation time and bandwidth
+ requirements (Section~\ref{lwm:sec:eval:perf}). In particular we find that the
+ overhead during tree head construction is small in comparison to a sound STH
+ frequency of one hour; a notifier can easily notify 288~M subjects in a
+ verifiable manner for Google's Icarus log on a single core and a 1~Gbps
+ connection; and a subject receives about 24~Kb of proofs per day and log
+ which is verified in negligible time (the order of $\mu$s for the common
+ case of non-membership, and seconds in the extreme case of verifying
+ membership for \emph{an entire top-level domain}).
+Background on Merkle trees and CT is provided in Section~\ref{lwm:sec:background}.
+Related work is discussed in Section~\ref{lwm:sec:eval:related}.
+Conclusions are presented in Section~\ref{lwm:sec:conclusion}.
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+\section{Light-Weight Monitoring} \label{lwm:sec:lwm}
+To reduce the trust which is placed in today's third-party monitors,
+the idea of LWM is to lower the barrier towards self-monitoring. As shown in
+Figure~\ref{lwm:fig:idea}, an untrusted notifier provides a subject with
+ Efficient iff less than a linear number of log entries are received per log
+ update.
+} certificate notifications that can be cryptographically verified: each batch
+of certificates is represented by an additional Merkle tree that supports
+wild-card (non-)membership queries
+ (described further in Section~\ref{lwm:sec:lwm:wildcard}),
+and the resulting snapshot is signed by the log as part of an STH extension.
+As such, a subject can deal only with those certificates that are relevant,
+relying on wild-card proofs to verify correctness and completeness:
+ said certificates are included and nothing is being omitted.
+Anyone can check that an LWM snapshot is correct by inspecting the corresponding
+batch of certificates. Notably this is \emph{a general monitoring function},
+rather than a \emph{selective notification component} which is verifiable in
+LWM. This decoupling allows anyone to be a notifier, including logs and
+monitors that a subject distrust.
+ \centering
+ \input{src/lwm/img/overview}
+ \caption{%
+ An overview of LWM. In addition to normal operation, a log creates an
+ additional (smaller) Merkle tree that supports wild-card (non-)membership
+ queries. The resulting snapshot is signed as part of an STH extension that
+ can be verified by any monitor that downloads the corresponding batch. A
+ subject receives one verifiable certificate notification per STH from an
+ untrusted notifier.
+ }
+ \label{lwm:fig:idea}
+\subsection{Authenticated Wild-Card Queries} \label{lwm:sec:lwm:wildcard}
+Thus far we only discussed Merkle trees in terms of verifying whether a single
+value is a (non-)member:
+ membership is proven by presenting an audit path down to the leaf in question,
+ while
+ non-membership requires a lexicographical ordering that allows a verifier
+ to conclude that a value is absent unless provided in a particular location.
+The latter concept naturally extends to \emph{prefix wild-card queries}---such
+as $\mathsf{*.example.com}$ and $\mathsf{*.sub.example.com}$---by finding a
+suitable ordering function $\Omega$ which ensures that related leaves are
+grouped together as a consecutive range. We found that this requirement is
+satisfied by sorting on reversed subject names:
+ suppose that we have a batch of certificates
+ $\mathsf{example.com}$,
+ $\mathsf{example.org}$,
+ $\mathsf{example.net}$, and
+ $\mathsf{sub.example.com}$.
+After applying $\Omega$ we get the static Merkle tree in
+Figure~\ref{lwm:fig:wildcard}. A prefix wild-card proof is constructed by
+finding the relevant range in question, generating an audit path for the
+leaves that are right outside of the range~\cite{range-mt}. Such a proof is
+verified by checking that
+ (i) $\Omega$ indicates that the left (right) end is less (larger) than the
+ queried prefix,
+ (ii) the leaves are ordered as dictated by $\Omega$, and
+(iii) the recomputed root hash is valid.
+ \centering
+ \input{src/lwm/img/wildcard}
+ \caption{%
+ Merkle tree where the leaves are ordered on reversed subject names.
+ }
+ \label{lwm:fig:wildcard}
+The exact details of reconstructing the root hash is a bit tedious because there
+are several corner cases. For example, either or both of the two audit paths may
+be empty depending on batch size (${\leq}1$) and location of the relevant range
+(left/right-most side). Therefore, we omit the details and
+focus on the concept:
+ given two audit paths and a sequence of data items ordered by $\Omega$ that
+ includes the left leaf, matching range, and right leaf, repeatedly
+ reconstruct interior nodes to the largest extent possible and then use the
+ sibling hash which is furthest from the root to continue.
+For example, consider a proof for $\mathsf{*sub.example.com}$ in
+Figure~\ref{lwm:fig:wildcard}: it is composed of
+ (i) the left leaf data and its audit path $h_0,h_{23}$ on index 1,
+ (ii) the right leaf data and its audit path $h_2,h_{01}$ on index 3, and
+(iii) the matching range itself which is a single certificate.
+After verifying $\Omega$~order, recompute the root hash $r'$ and check if
+it matches an authentic root $r$ as follows:
+ \item Compute leaf hashes $h_1'$, $h_2'$, and $h_3'$ from the provided data.
+ Next, compute the interior node $h_{23}' \gets \hash(h_2'\concat h_3')$.
+ Because no additional interior node can be computed without a sibling hash,
+ consider $h_0$ in the left audit path.
+ \item Compute the interior node $h_{01}' \gets \hash(h_0\concat h_1')$, then
+ $r' \gets \hash(h_{01}'\concat h_{23}')$.\footnote{%
+ Two audit paths may contain redundancy, but we ignored this favouring
+ simplicity.
+ }
+Given an $\Omega$~ordered list of certificates it is trivial to locate where
+a subject's wild-card matches are:
+ binary search to find the index of an exact match (if any), then up to
+ $t$ matches follow in order.
+This is not the only way to find the right range and matches. For example, a
+radix tree could be used with the main difference being $\bigO{t+\log n}$
+against $\bigO{t+k}$ complexity for a batch of size $n$, a wild-card string of
+length $k$, and $t$ matches. Since the complexity of generating two audit
+paths is $\bigO{\log n}$ for any number of matches, the final space and time
+complexity for a wild-card structure based on an ordered list is
+$\bigO{t+\log n}$.
+\subsection{Notifier} \label{lwm:sec:lwm:notifier}
+A notifier must obtain every STH to generate wild-card proofs that can be traced
+back to the log. Albeit error-prone in case of network issues, the simplest
+way to go about this is to poll the log's get-STH endpoint \emph{frequently
+ It would be better if logs supported verifiable and historical get-STH
+ queries.
+Once an updated is spotted every new certificate is downloaded and the wild-card
+structure is reconstructed. A subject receives her verifiable certificate
+notifications from the notifier via a push (`monitoring as-a-service') or pull
+(`self-monitoring') model. For example, emails could be delivered after every
+update or in daily digests. Another option is to support queries like
+ ``what's new since STH~$x$''.
+A subject can verify that a certificate notification is fresh by inspecting the
+STH timestamp. However, it is hard to detect missing certificate notifications
+unless every STH trivially follows from the previous one. While there are
+several methods to achieve this---%
+ for example using indices (Section~\ref{lwm:sec:lwm:instantiation}) or
+ hash chains~\cite{coniks}---%
+the log must always sign a snapshot per STH using an extension.
+\subsection{Instantiation Example} \label{lwm:sec:lwm:instantiation}
+Instantiating LWM depends upon the ability to support an STH extension. In the
+latest version of CT, this takes the form of a sorted list of
+key-value pairs where the key is unique and the value an opaque byte
+array~\cite{ct/bis}. We could reserve the keywords \emph{lwm} for snapshots and
+\emph{index} for monotonically increasing counters.\footnote{%
+ Instead of an index to detect missing notifications (STHs), a log could
+ announce STHs as part of a verifiable get-STH endpoint. See the sketch of
+ Nordberg~\cite{nordberg-sketch}.
+} Besides an LWM-compliant log, an untrusted notifier must support pushed or
+pulled certificate notifications that are verifiable by tracking the most recent
+or every wild-card structure. Examples of likely notifiers include
+ logs (who benefit from the reduced bandwidth) and
+ monitors (who could market increased transparency)
+that already process all certificates regardless of LWM.
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