\begin{kaupaper}[ author={% \textbf{Rasmus Dahlberg}, Tobias Pulls, Tom Ritter, and Paul Syverson }, title={% Privacy-Preserving \& Incrementally-Deployable Support for Certificate Transparency in Tor }, reference={% PETS (2021) }, summary={% One deployment challenge of Certificate Transparency is to ensure that monitors and end-users are engaged in gossip-audit protocols. This is particularly difficult for end-users because such engagement can harm privacy. For example, verifying that a certificate is included by fetching an inclusion proof from a log reveals which website was visited. We propose a gradual roll-out of Certificate Transparency in Tor Browser that preserves privacy \emph{due to} and \emph{how we use} the anonymity network Tor. The complete design holds log operators accountable for certificates they promise to append by having Tor relays fetch inclusion proofs against the same view agreed upon by directory authorities in Tor's consensus. Found issues (if any) are reported to trusted auditors. The incremental design side-steps much of the practical deployment effort by replacing the audit-report pattern with cross-logging of certificates in independent logs, thus assuming that at least one log is honest as opposed to no log in the complete design. All Tor Browser needs to do is verify log signatures and then submit the encountered certificates to randomly selected Tor relays. Such submissions are probabilistic to balance performance against the risk of eventual detection of log misbehavior. Processing of the submitted certificates is also randomized to reduce leakage of real-time browsing patterns, something Tor Browser cannot do on its own due to criteria like disk avoidance and the threat model for wanting Certificate Transparency in the first place. We provide a security sketch and estimate performance overhead based on Internet measurements. }, participation={\vspace{-.25cm} I had the initial idea and was the main driver to move the work forward, first in discussion with Tobias and then together with Tom and Paul. }, label={ paper:ctor }, ] \maketitle \begin{abstract} \input{src/ctor/src/abstract} \end{abstract} \input{src/ctor/src/introduction} \input{src/ctor/src/background} \input{src/ctor/src/adversary} \input{src/ctor/src/design} \input{src/ctor/src/analysis} \input{src/ctor/src/cross-logging} \input{src/ctor/src/performance} \input{src/ctor/src/privacy} \input{src/ctor/src/related} \input{src/ctor/src/conclusion} \input{src/ctor/src/acknowledgements} \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{src/ctor/src/ref} \begin{appendices} \input{src/ctor/src/appendix} \end{appendices} \end{kaupaper}