path: root/content/post/hold-on-to-your-hat-and-learn-system-transparency-in-five-minutes.md
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authorRasmus Dahlberg <rasmus@mullvad.net>2021-12-18 16:59:50 +0100
committerRasmus Dahlberg <rasmus@mullvad.net>2021-12-18 16:59:50 +0100
commit774a7656d25977cdb3d3b7be37c7ca0ac0ec1f50 (patch)
treeca8e630a1c4c24e682581f2e8da056e47f13bbb6 /content/post/hold-on-to-your-hat-and-learn-system-transparency-in-five-minutes.md
parent704f51516cd905835956028dfd53d67add53d396 (diff)
posts: Import stories from medium
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+title: "Hold on to your hat and learn System Transparency in five minutes!"
+date: 2020-10-12
+What do we really know about the systems that run our critical applications?
+Not enough is probably a fair summary: much can go wrong between device reset
+and execution of a user-land application. System Transparency helps you verify
+that what you think is running remotely actually runs, and not, say, a modified
+operating system that contains a secret backdoor. I will break it down
+top-to-bottom after first motivating the rationale and objective briefly.
+## Rationale and objective
+Anyone in a position of power should probably be subject to a proportional
+amount of transparency. It is an important safeguard that deters malicious
+activities, while at the same time making it possible to fix honest mistakes.
+Such a principle can of course be applied in real life, but I mainly refer to
+the different components that compose a digital system: hardware, firmware,
+operating systems, applications, and so forth. Generally I would say that _power
+is decreased by transparency because most abuse can be detected_. For example,
+it would be proportional by Intel to open up their proprietary management engine
+because it is powerful enough to
+ [hijack your system](https://www.wired.com/2017/05/hack-brief-intel-fixes-critical-bug-lingered-7-dang-years/).
+The scenario to keep in mind is accordingly as follows. A remote server is
+running a service somewhere that processes your data based on a policy. You
+might have reason to believe that said policy is followed now, but will it be
+in the future when
+ [intruders](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/07/after-weeks-hack-it-past-time-twitter-end-end-encrypt-direct-messages)
+ [law enforcement](https://www.eff.org/cases/apple-challenges-fbi-all-writs-act-order)
+knock down the door? I, for one, would prefer if we could _verify_ that the
+system in question works as intended (and not just trust that to be the case
+blindly). The other benefit of such remote system verification is more subtle:
+the service provider could use it to determine if intention matches deployment.
+Of course there might be unknown bugs, but by making every part of the system
+as transparent as possible it will be easier to find vulnerabilities and assess
+## Breaking it down, top-to-bottom
+The idea is to first make transparent what is allowed running on a given system.
+You can view this as the top-most layer that represents an operating system
+package with installed programs, configurations, and so forth. Thereafter we
+need to enforce that nothing else than the transparent operating system package
+is allowed running with a bottom layer. Such enforcement is based on hardware
+features that should be transparent as well.
+### Reproducible and publicly auditable operating system packages
+Suppose that we have an operating system package that we would like to deploy.
+As a first step we need to
+ [build it reproducibly](https://reproducible-builds.org/), such that anyone can inspect
+the source code and determine if the resulting package lives up to the claimed
+promises. A possible issue that one might find, for example, is that there is
+interactive system access installed: pretty much anything could run after a
+reconfiguration. Therefore, a transparent system should restrict arbitrary
+access and provision updates as new operating system packages that, again,
+build reproducibly. For those that are familiar with functional programming, it
+is essentially an
+ [immutable infrastructure](https://web.archive.org/web/20200518230417/http://chadfowler.com/2013/06/23/immutable-deployments.html).
+An independent benefit of such maintenance is that
+ [malware persistence](https://github.com/Karneades/malware-persistence#overview-of-often-and-less-often-used-persistence-mechanisms)
+becomes trickier.
+A reproducible operating system package serves a limited purpose unless it is
+publicly available. Therefore, we should insert it into a
+ [transparency log](https://transparency.dev/).
+This means that anyone can verify whether a package builds reproducibly, and if
+it contains, say, a secret backdoor that would be detected by source inspection.
+### Measured and remotely attested boot
+Now we need to enforce that the publicly disclosed operating system packages
+run on our servers and nothing else. At a first glance it might sound daunting,
+but today’s hardware platforms ship some pretty useful security features. For
+example, there is usually a separate hardware domain for key management,
+cryptographic hashing, Platform Configuration Registers (PCRs), and digital
+signatures. It is possible to measure code, data structures, and configurations
+into a PCR before execution to form a hash chain, such that all initial system
+states can be aggregated into a single value. The system’s boot process can be
+aborted if a measurement diverges from the expected value, e.g., because the
+boot loader did not enforce transparency logging as required by the top layer.
+It is also possible to sign PCR values and attest them remotely. In other
+words, if these features work we can prove to a third party how the system
+### Open source firmware and LinuxBoot
+An immediate concern is that much trust is placed in the underlying hardware
+platform. Naturally, it begs the question if such trust is misplaced. A
+ [talk by Ron Minnich](https://osseu17.sched.com/event/ByYt/replace-your-exploit-ridden-firmware-with-linux-ronald-minnich-google)
+brings you up to speed on why the answer is probably "yes". Let us focus on
+solutions instead: open hardware, firmware, and boot loaders. It is paramount
+that these components are vetted thoroughly in the open because they may
+compromise the system
+ [while running or before it is even started](https://securelist.com/mosaicregressor/98849/).
+So, System Transparency implements a flavor of
+ [LinuxBoot](https://www.linuxboot.org/)
+ [stboot](https://github.com/system-transparency/system-transparency/blob/master/README.md#bootloader-stboot).
+It can replace much of the later-stage UEFI components with a Linux kernel and a
+user-land environment in Go, such that a subset of proprietary firmware is
+removed in favor of an open source option that is safer and customizable. For
+example, one possible customization is to enforce transparency logging as a
+criteria to boot into the host operating system. It is possible to eliminate
+UEFI all together by re-flashing the firmware with
+ [coreboot](https://doc.coreboot.org/)
+and specifying stboot as a payload. The TL;DR is that coreboot is (mostly) open
+source firmware that does the bare minimum hardware initialization. It was
+ [ported to a modern server platform](https://mullvad.net/en/blog/2019/8/7/open-source-firmware-future/).
+### Set-up ceremony and tamper-evident hardware
+Assuming an open platform that enforces transparency logging as described
+above, you can be somewhat sure that said operating system packages run. The
+problem is that you cannot easily know if that assumption is true. I am not
+claiming that there is a slam-dunk solution here, but measures can be taken to
+reduce the risk of a broken setup. For example, assemble and install the
+platform while witnessed live by several independent parties that write down
+and publish a log book of events that occurred:
+ "[neutralized the management engine](https://github.com/corna/me_cleaner)",
+"added open firmware with checksum XYZ", etc. We can also define some physical
+security boundaries that, if breached, automatically activate defensive
+mechanisms that preserve the system’s overall integrity after setup.
+## Concluding remarks
+The described System Transparency design shows how a service provider can
+facilitate trust by engineering a system that is more trustworthy. I would like
+to emphasize _more trustworthy:_ all of the applied techniques have merit on
+their own, and if one part does not fit the use-case or current practice it
+might be reasonable to cut it. For example, if you lease cloud servers that
+only allow starting stboot from UEFI: so be it. Simply assume that there will
+be no firmware and physical attacks for the time being. It is still a
+significant improvement when compared to obscure operating system packages
+since the attack surface and overall trust domain is reduced.
+[The growing problem of malicious Tor relays in the cloud](https://medium.com/@nusenu/how-malicious-tor-relays-are-exploiting-users-in-2020-part-i-1097575c0cac)
+could benefit from such a solution because a class of real-world attackers would
+not see any traffic (if enforced by Tor). As another example: suppose your
+interest is mainly to harden your own internal infrastructure, and not so much
+about making it transparent for everyone. It is not a strict requirement to put
+the operating system package in the public, i.e., a hash is enough to convince
+yourself that nothing else was allowed running.
+## Acknowledgments
+Fredrik Strömberg provided valuable feedback on this story, which is sponsored
+by my
+ [System Transparency](https://system-transparency.org/)
+employment at Mullvad VPN.