--- title: "rgdd.se" --- {{< figure class="avatar" src="img/author.jpg" alt="avatar">}} Software engineer and computer scientist based in Karlstad, Sweden. I do open-source work at [Glasklar Teknik][], a sister company of [Mullvad VPN][] and [Tillitis][]. Some of the topics I'm most passionate about include anonymity, cryptography, Linux, privacy, Bash/C/Go programming, and transparency logs. The last few years I got into self hosting. The overlap between research, development, and operations is interesting. [Glasklar Teknik]: https://www.glasklarteknik.se/ [Mullvad VPN]: https://www.mullvad.net/ [Tillitis]: https://www.tillitis.se/ Off work you will find me socializing with friends, going on walks, hitting the gym, improving my cooking skills, and showering my beloved cat with affection. # Project involvement I am a core member of the following projects: - [Sigsum][]: a free and open source software project that makes a signer's key-usage transparent. It can be used as a building block to secure the supply chain and more. - [System Transparency][]: an open source project that provides a security architecture for bare metal servers. A system's entire boot chain becomes protected and auditable. - [Tor][]: a 501(c)(3) US nonprofit that advance human rights and defend online privacy through free software and open networks. [Sigsum]: https://www.sigsum.org/ [System Transparency]: https://www.system-transparency.org/ [Tor]: https://www.torproject.org/ # Selected publications - Rasmus Dahlberg. [On Certificate Transparency Verification and Unlinkability of Websites Visited by Tor Users](https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1751660/FULLTEXT02.pdf). PhD thesis, Karlstad University (2023) - Rasmus Dahlberg and Tobias Pulls. [Timeless Timing Attacks and Preload Defenses in Tor's DNS Cache](https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity23/presentation/dahlberg). USENIX Security (2023) - Rasmus Dahlberg, Tobias Pulls, Tom Ritter, and Paul Syverson. [Privacy-Preserving \& Incrementally-Deployable Support for Certificate Transparency in Tor](https://petsymposium.org/2021/files/papers/issue2/popets-2021-0024.pdf). PETS (2021) - Tobias Pulls and Rasmus Dahlberg. [Website Fingerprinting with Website Oracles](https://petsymposium.org/2020/files/papers/issue1/popets-2020-0013.pdf). PETS (2020) - Tobias Pulls and Rasmus Dahlberg. [Steady: A Simple End-to-End Secure Logging System](https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/737.pdf). NordSec (2018) # Contact Feel free to reach out on email or other platforms as you see fit.