--- title: "Dusting off the blog" date: 2024-05-04 --- # Dusting off the blog _Rasmus Dahlberg, 2024-05-04._ The other week I talked to my friend MC about maybe starting to blog again. I know, "starting to blog again" is a bit of a stretch for someone that didn't post a lot to begin with. Nevertheless, today I woke up and wanted to see if I can get this thing going again. I think it requires lowering the bar for what needs to go into a blog post. Somewhere deep inside of me, I still hear the echo of my old advisor saying "a good thesis is a done thesis". The same is probably true for blog posts, and partly why I'm inspired by MC who somehow [finds the time to write][] consistently about anything and everything. I will try to follow suit; not overthinking and just write about _what I want to_. Who knows, every now and then I might just post a picture and the recipe of something really yummy? I used to like doing that on Instagram, but I no longer use such social media. [finds the time to write]: https://hack.org/mc/blog/ Anyway, dusting off the blog started with me migrating my [Hugo][] project (the website's source) from a private GitHub repository to my self-hosted [gitolite][] server at `git.rgdd.se`. In the future, you should be able to clone it like this: $ git clone https://git.rgdd.se/www $ git clone https://git.rgdd.se/www-theme [Hugo]: https://gohugo.io/ [gitolite]: https://gitolite.com/gitolite/index.html For now it only works with SSH authentication. I can configure your public key if you'd like, in which case something like this should work to get the site's source: $ git clone git@git.rgdd.se:www.git $ git clone git@git.rgdd.se:www-theme.git What's quite high up on my TODO list is to configure a web frontend using [cgit][]. All my public git repositories would then be shown with a user interface similar to the [Linux kernel][], [Wireguard][], and the many other projects that all of us like. Other than having greater control of my git repositories at `git.rgdd.se` (which is really sweet as I use git for my password manager [pass][] and various notes), I plan to mirror repositories that I contribute to on other platforms. This will make it easier to get an overview of the things I'm hacking on, how nice right? [pass]: https://www.passwordstore.org/ Back to me dusting off the blog. What I realized is that I didn't have a clean separation between my Hugo project and the (somewhat forked) theme I was using. So, I spent a few hours cleaning this up in two separate repositories now: - `www`: where my website's landing page and blog content is. - `www-theme`: a fork of [hugo-researcher][] that basically removes unwanted CDN trackers, updates fonts and colors, and re-styles the landing page avatar. I find it fascinating how a site's appearance can change by fonts and colors alone. It's quite different from the [hugo-researcher screenshot][], isn't it? [hugo-researcher]: https://github.com/ojroques/hugo-researcher [hugo-researcher screenshot]: https://github.com/ojroques/hugo-researcher?tab=readme-ov-file#screenshot If you ever get curious about which font a site is using, I can recommend the [Fontanello add-on][] by Fred Bergman and Lars Wästfelt. Lars developed [Sigsum's brand assets][]. Since then I've paid a little bit more attention to fonts and colors. [Fontanello add-on]: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/fontanello/ [Sigsum's brand assets]: https://git.glasklar.is/sigsum/project/documentation/-/tree/main/assets That's about it for this time. It was fun cleaning up the site as `www` and `www-theme`. And to _actually dust off the blog_ afterwards, thus breaking the silence. Hopefully it doesn't take me another year or two before I write here again. [cgit]: https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/ [Linux kernel]: https://git.kernel.org/ [WireGuard]: https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-monolithic-historical/